The Master
'^HIS little book is a master-
key which can unlock the
secret chambers of success ;
can throw wide the doors
which seem to bar men from
the treasure-house of nature,
and bids those enter and par-
take who are wise enoug^h to
understand and broad enoug,h
to weig,h the evidence ; firm
enoug,h to follow their own
judgment and strong enoug,h
to make the sacrifice exacted.
Chicago, 111.,
April Li, 191 <).
Mr. ChQii. F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel
You probably know, from the editorial
]n the eJanuary issue of the Golden Eule,
copy of which ray Secretary sent to you!
that 1 began twenty-tv/o yenrs a^^'o as a
coal miner at a dollar a day.
I have just been retained by a
million dollar corporation at a salary of
$105,200.00 a year, for a portion of mv
time only, it having been agreed that "^l
shall continue as editor of the Hill's
Golden Rule.
I believe in giving credit where it is
due, therefore I believe I ought to inform
you that my present success and the suc-
cess which has followed my work as Presi-
dent of the Napoleon Hill Institute is due
largely to the principles laid doAvn in
the Master-Key System.
You are doing a good woric by helping
people to realize that nothing is impost
sible of accomplishment which a man ?an
create in his imagination. Surely my own
experience proves this.
I shall co-operate with you in getting
your course into the hands of the many
who so greatly need your message.
Cordially and sincerely,
The Master Key System is concerned with causes
rather than effects, demonstrations rather than
theory, the practical rather than the abstract.
It is rapidly growing in favor by reason of its
great simplicity and because it furnishes an explan-
ation for many hitherto unknown facts and a con-
ceivable explanation for many more.
It is a force which is gaining momentum wiLh a
rapidity and certainty that is the despair of the de-
fenders of tradition and reaction.
This is largely true because it avoids theory, specu-
lation and abstractions of all kinds, and confines it-
self to the operation of natural laws.
These laws operate with scientific exactitude, and
those who have succeeded in obtaining a working
knowledge of them are enabled to break the bonds
of environment, control elementary forces and utilize
the potentialities of Infinity.
For many years little or nothing was permitted to
be revealed to the general public concerning the
esoteric teachings, but within the last twenty-five
years, there has been greater freedom in this respect,
until now they form an important part of nearly all
teachings where ultimate truth is an objective.
Vaguely, throughout the world, the idea has been
diffused that there was some process of study which
men here and there did follow, and which lead to the
acquisition of a higher kind of knowledge than
that taught in books or by public teachera.
But it was invariably found that this knowledge
was jealously guarded, and the student was hound
to the most inviolable secrecy as to everything con-
nected with his progress, so that it was impossible
to imagine anything more improbable than the un-
authorized revelation of such information by any
student of the great schools of esoteric philosophy.
This was true, because those in authority were
afraid of the result of premature disclosure of these
important principles. They feared that an unpre-
pared public mind might not be ready to make
proper use of the extraordinary power which the ap-
plication of these principles disclosed.
But the approaches to scientific understanding are
open to all and persistent study has revealed hid-
den passages which lead to the grandest imaginable
realms of enlightenment.
For a time it was possible to delude the general
public witli the idea that transmutation was on the
plane of matter alone, and they continued to remain
in ignorance of the fact that this was but a corre-
spondence and that the higher forms of alchemy
takes place in Mental and Spiritual realms.
It is in these realms that the practical art of
manipulating the forces of Nature was discovered,
and the application of this knowledge to matters
of daily life invests the student with such extra-
ordinary power that the results seem altogether
Austin, Minn., May 3, 1919.
Mr. Charlet F. Haanel,
Saint Louis, Mo.
Dear Sir:
Permit me a word of appreciation for you/*
wonderful Master-Key System.
I have been for years a devout searcher
for the Holy Grail or Royal Arcana, which
would prove the key which would unlock the
"Hidden treasure." I have studied philosophy,
ancient and modern; you have synthesized the
wisdom of the East and West and given it in
a manner so logical and penetrating that by
its aid one is able to distinguish wisdom from
sophistry, truth from delusion, spiritual ex-
pression from psychic vageries and the sub-
lime operations of spiritual insight and in-
tuition from deceptive visions and false revela-
Also I have been a student of Mythology and
have viewed the Myths of all ancient races or
sacred allegories of the deepest spiritual in-
sight from which to gather by symbol, meta-
phor and parable the cosmic history of the uni-
verse and the soul history of mankind; but
your metaphysical elucidation and application
have made substance of the shadow.
Again I have studied the Mystics from the
great teachers whose message has heen of
universal import and transcendental signifi-
cance; but found your system to be free from
any craving for sensational phenomena, im-
position on the credulous or material occult-
ism. You seek the deeper mysteries of mind
an-d soul, rather than those of the astral or
material realms. You are arousing the dor-
mant higher mind and making a clear way
to the inner sanctuary.
In religion also you have the kernel or spirit
of all religions as taught by their founders, for
the ultimate aim of all religious effort and
instruction should be the education and re-
integration of the human soul, which was made
in the image of God; but has traveled for ex-
perience into the "Par country" of natural
forces and well nigh forgotten its parentage.
The Mystic says, "Knowledge is the sum of
facts and truths and nothing but them, gleaned
from experience, education or comprehension,
without prejudice as to the channel through
which the influx of knowledge may come, the
source of the education, its nativity or the
objectivity of the comprehension."
Y'^u have successful./ taken the mystery out
of Mysticism and placed all propositions in the
clear light, so that, "He who runs may read."
I consider you a true benefactor to the world.
Use this letter or any portion of it that
may be serviceable.
407 Winona, W,
Before any environment, successful or other-
wise, can be created, action of some kind is
necessary, and before any action is possible,
there must be thought of some kind, either
conscious or unconscious, and as thought is a
product of mind, it becomes evident that Mind
is the creative center from which all activities
It is not exi)ected that any of the inherent
laws which govern the modern business world
as it is at present constituted can be suspended
or repealed by any force on the same plane, but
it is axiomatic that a higher law may overcome
a lower one. Tree life causes the sap to ascend,
not by repealing the law of gravity but by sur-
mounting it.
To control circumstances a knowledge of
certain scientific principles of mind-action is
required. Such knowledge is a most valuable
asset. It may be gained by degrees and put
into practice as fast as learned. Power over
circumstances is one of its fruits; health, har-
mony and prosperity are assets upon its bal-
ance sheet. It costs only the labor of harvest-
ing its great resources.
The naturalist who spends much of his
time in observing visible phenomena is con-
stantly creating power in that portion of
his brain set apart for observation. The re-
sult is that he becomes very much more ex-
pert and skillful in knowing what he sees, and
grasping an i]]finite num])er of details at a
glance, than does his unobserving friend. He
has reached this facility by exercise of his
brain. lie deliberately chose to enlarge his
brain power in tlie line of observation, so he
deliberately exercised that special faculty, over
and over, with increasing attention and con-
centration. Now we have the result — a man
learned in the lore of observation far above his
fellows. Or, on the other hand, one can, by
stolid inaction, allow the delicate brain mat-
ter to harden and ossify until his whole life
is barren and fruitless.
Every thought tends to become a material
thing. Our desires are seed thoughts that have
a tendency to sprout and grow and blossom
and bear fruit. We are sowing these seeds
every day. What shall the harvest be? Each
of us today is the result of his past thinking.
Later we shall be the result of what we are
now thinking. We create our own character,
personality and environment by the thought
which we originate, or entertain. Thought
seeks its own. The law of mental attraction is
an exact parallel to the law of atomic affmity.
Mental currents are as real as electric, magnetic
or heat currents. We attract the currents with
which we are in harmonj^ — are we selecting
those which will be conducive to our success?
This is the important question.
Lines of least resistance are formed by the
constant action of the mind. The activity of
the brain reacts upon the particular faculty of
the brain employed. The latent power of the
mind is developed by constant exercise. Each
form of its activity becomes more perfect by
practice. Exercises for the development of the
mind present a variety of motives for consid-
eration. Tlipy involve the development of the
perceptive faculties, the cultivation of the emo-
tions, the quickening of the imagination, the
symmetrical unfoldment of the intuitive facul-
ty, which without being able to give a reason
frequently impels or prohibits choice, and final-
ly the power of the mind may be cultivated by
the development of the moral character.
^'The greatest man," said Seneca, *'is he
who chooses right with invincible determina-
tion." The greatest power of the mind, then,
depends upon its exercise in moral channels,
and therefore requires that every conscious
mental effort should involve a moral end. A
developed moral consciousness modifies con-
sideration of motives, and. increases the force
and continuity of actions; consequently the
well developed symmetrica] character neces-
sitates good physical, mental and moral health,
and tliis combination creates initiative, power,
resistless force, and necessarily success.
It will be found that Nature is constantly
seeking to express Harmony in all things, is for-
ever trying to bring about an harmonious ad-
justment, for every discord, every wound, ev-
ery difficulty, therefore when thought is har-
monious, nature begins to create the material
conditions, the possession of which are neces-
sary in order to make up an harmonious en-
"When we understand that mind is the great
creative power, what does not become possible ?
With Desire as the great creative energ3% can
we not see why Desire should be cultivated,
controlled and directed in our lives and desti-
nies? Men and women of strong mentality,
who dominate those around them, and often
those far removed from them, really emanate
currents charged with power which, coming in
contact with the minds of others, causes the
desires of the latter to be in accord with the
m'ilid of the strong individuality. GV^fSt mas-
ters of meu possess this power to a marked
degree. Their influence is felt far and near.,
and they secure compliance with their wishes-
by making others 'Svant" to act in accord w^ith
them. In this way men of strong Desire and.
Imagination may and do exert powerful in-
fluence over the minds of others, leading the-
latter in the way desired. The magnetic per-
sons attract, allure and draw. They are emo-
tional, and capture the will of others.
No man is ever created without the inherent
power in himself to help himself. The person-
ality that understands its own inteUectual and
moral power of conquest w^ll certainly assert
itself. It is this truth which an en'famined
world craves today. The possibility^ of assent-
ing a slumbering intellectual courage that
clearly discerns, and a moral courage that
grandly undertakes is open to all. There is 8^
divine potency in every human being.
We speak of the sun as "rising" and ''set-
ting," though we know that this is simply am
appearance of motion. To our senses the earth-
is apparently standing still, and yet Ave know-
it is revolving rapidly. We speak of a bell as-^
a "sounding body," yet we know that all that,
the bell can do is to produce vibrations in the
air. When these vibrations come at the rate
of 16 a second they cause a sound to be heard
in the mind. It is possible for the mind to hear
vibrations up to the rate of 38,000 a second.
When the number increases beyond this all is
silence again ; so that we know that the sound
is not in the bell; it is in our own mind.
We speak and even think of the sun as ' ' giv-
ing light," yet we knoAv it is simply giving
forth energy which produces vibrations in the
ether at the rate of four hundred trillion a
second, causing what are termed light \Y«iyes,
so that we know that what we call light
simply a mode of motion, and the only light
that there is, is the sensation caused in the
mind by the motion of these waves. When the
number of vibrations increases, the light
changes in color, each change in color being
caused by shorter and more rapid vibrations;
so that although we speak of the rose as being
red, the grass as being gr^en, or the sky as
being blue, we know that these ijolors exist only
in our minds, and are the sensati'oji experienced
by us as the result of the vibrations of light.
When the vibrations are redticed below four
hundred trillion a second, tliey no loiig'^r affect
us as light but we experience the tkjnsatipn of
So we have come to know that appearances.'
exist for us only in our consciousness. Even'
time and space become annihilated, time being;
only the experience of succession, there being;
no past or future except as a thought relation
to the present. In the last aua lysis, there-
fore, we know that one principle go verm and
controls all there is. Every atom is iomv^^
conserved ; whatever is parted with must m\'
evitably be received somewhere. It canno*t
perish and it only exists for use. It can gc»
only where it is attracted, and therefore re -
quired. We can receive only what we give, ,
and we may give only to those who can re- •
ceive ; and it remains Avitli us to determine our
rate of growth and the degree of harmony that
we shall express.
The laws under which we live are designed
solely for our advantage. These laws are im-
mutable and we cannot escape from their op-
eration. All the great eternal forces act in
solemn silence, but it is in our power to place
purselves in harmony with them and thus ex-
press a life of comparative peace and happi-
Difficulties, inliarmonies, obstacles, indicate
that we are either refusing to give out what
we no longer need, or refusing to accept what
we require. Growth is attained through an
exchange of the old for the new, of the good
for the better; it is a conditional or reciprocal
action, for each of us is a complete thought
entity and the completeness makes it possible
for us to receive only as we give. We cannot
obtain what we lack if we tenaciously cling to
what we have.
The Principle of Attraction operates to bring
to us only what may be to our advantage. We
are able to consciously control our conditions
as we come to sense the purpose of what we
attract, and are able to extract from each ex-
perience only what we require for our further
growth. Our ability to do this determines the
degree of harmony or happiness we attain.
The ability to appropriate v/hat we require
for our growth continually increases as we
reach higher planes and broader visions, and
the greater our ability to know what we re-
quire, the more certain we shall be to discern
its presence, to attract it and to absorb it.
Nothing may reach us except what is neces-
sary for our growth. All conditions and ex-
periences that come to us do so for our benefit.
Difficulties and obstacles will continue to come
until we absorb their wisdom and gather from
them the essentials of further growth. That
we reap what we sow, is mathematically exact.
We gain permanent strength exactly to the ex-
tent of the effort required to overcome our dif-
The inexorr.ble requirements of growth de-
mand that we exert the greatest d^grere of at-
traction for what is perfectly in accord with
us. Our highest happiness will be best at-
tained through our understanding of and con-
scious co-operation with natural laws.
Our mind-forces are often bound by the jjara-
lyzing suggestions that come to us from the
crude thinking of the race, and which are ac-
cepted and acted upon without question. Im-
pressions of fear, of worry, of disability and
of inferiority are given us daily. These aie
sufiicicnt reasons in themselves why men
achieve so little — why the lives of multitudes
are so barren of results, when all the time there
are possibilities within them which need only
the liberating touch of appreciation and whole-
some ambition to expand into real greatness.
Women, perhaps even more than men, have
been subject to these conditions. This is true
because of their finer susceptibilities making
them more open to thought-vibrations from
other minds, and because the flood of negative
and repressive thoughts has been aimed more
especially at them.
But it is being overcome. Florence Nightin-
gale overcame it when she rose in the Crimea
to heights of tender sympathy and executive
ability before unkno^vn among women. Clara
Barton, the head of the Red Cross, overcame it
when she wrought a similar work in the armies
of the Union. Jenny Lind overcame it when
she showed her ability to command enormous
financial rewards while at the same time grati-
fying the passionate desire of her nature and
reaching the front rank of her day in musical
art. And there is a long list of women singers,
philanthropists, writers and actresses who have
proved themselves capable of reaching tlie
greatest literary, dramatic, artistic and socio-
logical achievement.
Women as well as men are beginning to ho
their own thinking. They have awakened to
some conception of their possibilities. They
demand that if life holds any secrets, these
shall be disclosed. At no pre^aous time has
the influence and potency of thought received
such careful and discriminating investigation.
While a few seers have grasped the great fact
that mind is the universal substance, the basis
of all things, never before has this vital truth
penetrated the more general consciousness.
Many minds are now striving to give this won-
derful truth definite utterance. Modern science
has taught us that light and sound are simply
different intensities of motion, and this may
lead to discoveries of forces within man that
could not have been conceived of until this
revelation was made. .
A new century has dawned, and now, stand-
ing in its light, man sees something of the vast-
ness of the meaning of life — something of its
grandeur. Within that life is the germ of in-
finite potencies. One feels convinced that man's
possibility of attainment cannot be measured,
that boundary lines to his onward march are
unthinkable. Standing on this height he finds
that he can draw new power to himself from
the infinite energy of which he is a part.
26 E. 26th i^t,
New York City, N. Y.,
October 2, 1918.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
The majorty of people are struggling to make
a living as they say and are persecuted, as a
rule, by what they call ''Bad Luck." Why?
Because they are not ready in their thought
world for ideal conditions — harmony would
create discord in their consciousness.
They have not developed an interior self, an
inner consciousness which would ej^ablc them
to enter into and enjoy ideal conditions. The
majority of people have not 3'et learned that
the ''world without" is a reflection of the
^' world within."
Thej^ have not yet learned that all posses-
sion is based on consciousness and that they
themselves are creating their environment and
are continually setting the causes in motion
which bring about the effects of poverty, dis-
ease and lack of any kind. Right here I wish
to say that I consider money as a comparatively
small part of real wealth. It is health, cour-
age, peace, power, strength, poise, harmony,
etc., which bring one in tune with the infinite
and make one smile at that which the world
calls fate.
To show men and womeji how to help them-
jise^jres is one of the greatest things anyone can
do. And this is what the "Master-Key Sys-
tem does. It is tlie Master Key to the pow-
erhouse of universal abundance. It ought to
be in the possession of every ambitious soul.
To deprive one's self of the possession of this
most remarkable system m.eans to separate
one's self from the joy of living.
Sincerely yours,
Arrny Supply Base,
Y. M. C. A., Hut No. 2,
Norfolk, Va.,
March 3, 1919.
Mr. uiiarles F. Haariel,
Saint Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel:
Herewith, I am sending 3^ou my answers to
the questions in Part 24 of the Master-Key
lessons. To say that I have enjoyed this re-
markable course of study would be stating the
truth very mildly, indeed. In fact, the lessons
will now be a constant companion to be studied
over and over. The study of the course that
is now ending is just the beginning, a begin-
ning, too, in which, from the nature of my
work, I was not able to do anything like full
justice to the lessons.
As for the help that your system has al-
ready been to me — that has been incalculable
and actually revolutionary. The World With-
in, which, I must admit, has always beckoned
me, has now become, through the aid of your
lessons, a much clearer reality and a retreat
of constant inspiration, assurance and joy. I
have realized improvement along all lines per-
taining to my personal welfare and have in-
creased in power and service to others. My
environment becomes more and more har-
monious because of the increasing harmony
within which I have learned to cultivate.
I realize as never before how largely my
destiny is in my own hands and how that
destiny can be successfully worked out.
Again acknowledging my indebtedness to
you, I remaiii,
Very sincerely yours,
Some men seem to attract success, power,
wealth, attainment, with very little conscious
effort ; others conquer with great difficulty ;
still others fail altogether to reach tlieir ambi-
tions, desires and ideals. Why is this so?
Why should some men realize tiieir ambi-
tions easily, others with difiiculty, and still
others not at all? The cause cannot be phy-
sical, else the most perfect men, physically,
would be the most successful. The difference,
therefore, must be mental — must be in the
mind; hence mind must be the creative force,
must constitute the sole difference between
men. It is mind, therefore, which overcomes
environment and every other obstacle in the
path of men.
It is the actualizing of interior quality
through the creative power of thought whicli
has given us great leaders like Alexander,
Napoleon, Cromwell and our own Washington ;
captains of industry like Carnegie, Moi-gan,
Rockefeller and Harriman; inventors like
Stevenson, Morse, Marconi, Edison, Tesla, and
hosts of others. If, then, the only difference
between men lies in their ability to thinli, to
use and control their thought, to develop it — if
the secret of all success, all power, all attain-
ment is the creative powder of mind, the force
of thought — surely the ability to think cor-
rectly should become the paramount object of
every man.
When the creative powder of thought is fully
understool, its effect wdll be seen to be mar-
vcious. But isucli rcsiiits cannot be secured
without proper application, diligence and con-
centration. I'iie biuuent will linu that the laws
goveiiiiiig in tile mental and siJirituai woilu are
as nxed and intaliibie as in tlie maieriai worid.
To secure the desired results, tiien, it is neces-
sary to know the law and to comply with u.
A proper conipiiance with the law will be
iound 10 produce the desired result w^ith in-
variable exactitude. The student who learns
liiat power comes from within, that he is weak
only because he has depended on neip irom
outside, and who unhesitatingly throws him-
self on his own thought, instantly rights him-
self, stands erect, assumes a dominant attitude,
and works miracles.
Scientists tell us that we live in the universal
ether. This is formless, of itself, but it is
pliable, and forms about us, in us and around
us, according to our thought and word. We
set It into activity by that which we think.
I'hen that w^hich manifests to us objectively is
tiiat we have thought or said.
Thought is governed by law. The reason we
have not manifested more faith is because of
lack of understanding. We have not under-
stood that everything works in exact accord-
ance with dehnite law. The law of thought is
as definite as the law of mathematics, or the
law of chemistry, or the law of electricity, or
the law of gravitation. When w^e begin to un-
aerstand that happmess, health, success, pros-
perity and every other condition or environ-
ment are results, and that these results are
created by right thinking, either consciously
or unconsciously, we shall realize the impor-
tance of a working knowledge of the laws gov-
erning thought.
Those (i()i))'\-i'S into li (ioiiscioiis roalizatiou of
t])o X)OW('r oL liiou^rlit find Ihrinsclves in pos-
&ession of the best tliat life cun g'ive ; substan-
tial things of a i ' • order become theirs, and
t.]:rse sublime ; are so constituted that
r.hoy ean be made tangible i)arts of daily per-
sonal life. They realize a world of liigher
power, and keep that power constantly work-
ing. This power is inexhaustible, limitless, and
they are therefore carried forward from vic-
tory to victory. Obstacles that seem insur-
mountable are overcome. Enemies are changed
to friends, conditions are overcome, elements
transformed, fate is conquered.
The supply of good is inexhaustible, and the
demand can be made along whatever lines we
may desire. This is the mental law of demand
and supply.
Our circumstaiices and environment are
formed by our thouglits. We have, i)erbaps,
been creating these conditions unconsciously,
[f they are unsatisfactory, the remedy is to
'consciously alter our mental attitude and see
our circumstances adjust themselves to the new
mental condition. There is nothing strange or
supernatural about this; it is simply the Law
of Being. The thoughts which take root in
{he mind will certainly produce fruit after
their kind. The greatest schemer cannot
"gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles."
To improve our conditions we must first im-
prove ourselves. Our thoughts and desires will
be the first to show improvement.
To be in ignorance of the laws governing in
the mental world, is to be like a child i)laying
with fire, or a man manipulating powerful
chemicals without a knowledge of their nature
and rolations. This is universally tvuf , l,vM'ar<j.e
Mind is tlie one great cause which produces all
conditions in the lives of men and Avomen.
Admitting that you agree with everything
that has been stated, thus far, and most per-
sons will take no exception to anything that
has been said, it still remains to make a prac-
tical application of the law.
In order to take advantage of this law, and
put ourselves into harmonious relationship
with it, so that the benefit may be made mani-
fest in our lives, it is necessary to see that the
conditions are all met for its proper operation.
We may know the laws governing eletricity,
we may have all the proper mechanism, the
lights, globes, the wires, the buttons, and w^e
may even know how to generate the power,
but if the connections are not properly made,
we can push the button till doomsday and no
light will appear; so with the law of attrac-
tion— it is in operation all the time, every-
where, something is constantly being created,
something is appearing, everything is contin-
ually changing, but to take advantage of this
process, it is just as necessary to comply with
the law as it is in the case of electricity or
Mind is creative and operates through the law
of attraction. We are not to try to influence
any to do what we think they should do.
Each individual has a right to choose for him-
self, but aside from this we would be operat-
ing under the laws of force, which is destruct-
ive in its nature und just the opposite of the
law of attraction. A little reflection will con-
vince you that all of the great laws of nature
operate in silence and that the underlying
principle is the lav/ of attraction. It is only
destructive processes such as earthquakes and
catastropliies, that employ force. Nothing
good is ever accomplished in that way.
To be successful, attention must invariably
be directed to the creative plane ; it must never
be competitive. You do not wish to take any-
thing away from any one else, you want to
create something for yourself, and what you
want for yourself you are perfectly willing that
everyone else should have.
You know that it is not necessary to take
from one to give to another, but that the
supply for all is abundant. Nature's store-
house of wealth is inexhaustible and if there
seems to be a lack of supply anywhere it is
only because the channels of distribution are
as yet imperfect.
Abundance is a natural law of the universe.
The evidence of this law is conclusive; we see
it on every hand. Everywhere Nature is lav-
ish— wasteful, extravagant. Nowhere is econ-
omy observed in any created thing. Profusion
is manifested in everything. The millions and
millions of trees and flowers and plants and
animals and the vast scheme of reproduction
where the process of creating and recreating is
forever going on, all indicates the lavishness
with which Nature has made provision for
man. That there is an abundance for every-
one is evident, but that many seem to have
been separated from this supply is also evi-
dent; they have not yet come into a realiza-
tion of the Universality of all substance, and
that mind is the active principle which starts
causes in motion whereby we are related to
the things we desire.
It is evident, therefore, that he who fails to
fully investigate and take advantage of the
wonderful progress which is being made, in this
last and greatest science, will soon be as far
behind as the man who would refuse to ac-
knowledge and accept the benefits which have
accrued to mankind through an unclerstandin-^
of the laws of electricity.
Of course, mind creates negative conditions
just as readily as favorable conditions, and
when we consciously or unconsciously visualize
every kind of lack, limitation and discord, we
create these conditions; tliis is what many are
unconsciously doing all the time.
This law as well as every oilier law is no
respecter of persons, but is in constant opera-
tion and is relentlessly bringing to each indi-
vidual exactly wliat he has created; in othi-r
words, "Wliatsoever a man soweth that shall
he also reap."
Abundance, tlierefore, depends upon a rec-
ognition of tbe laws of Abundance, and the
fact that Mind is not only the creator, but the
OTdy creator of all tliere is. Certainly nothing
can be created, before we know that it can be
created and tlien make the proper effort. There
is n.o moi e Electricity in tlie world today than
there was fifty years ago, but until someone
recognized the law by which it could be made
of service, we received no benefit; now that
the law is understood, practically the whole
world is lit by it. So with the law of Abun-
dance ; it is only those who recognize the law
and place themselves in harmony with it, who
share in its benefits.
A recognition of the law of abunflance devel-
ops certain Tiiental and moral qualities, among
which are Courage, Loyalty, Tact, Sagacity,
Trulividufilitv and Conslructiveness. These are
all modes of thonrrht, and ?s all thoucrht is
creative, they manifest in objeetive^ conditions
corresponding with the mental condition. This
is necessarily true because the ability of the
individual to think is his ability to act upon the
CJniveisal mind and bring it into manifestation,
it is the process whereby the individual be-
eonies a channel for the differentiation of the
Universal. Every thoug'lit is a cause and every
condition an effect.
This principle endows the individual with
seemingly transcendental possibilities, among
which is the mastery of conditions through the
creation and recof>*nition of opportunities. This
creation of opportunity implies the existence
or creation of the necessary qualities ov talents
which are tboujiht forces and which result in a
consciousness of power whicli future events
can not disturb. It is this organization of vic-
tory or success within the mijid, this conscious-
ness of })0wer witliin wliich constitutes the
responsive harmonious action whereby we are
related to tlie objects and purposes which we
seek. This is the lav/ of attraction in action;
this law beings the common property of all,
can be exercised by any one having sufficient
knovrledge of its operation.
Courage is that power of the mind which
manifests in the love of mental conflict; it is
a noble and lofty sentiment, it is equally fitted
to comtnaud or obey, both require courage. It
often has a tendency to conceal itself. There
are men and women, too, who apparently exist
only to do what is pleasing to others, but when
the time comes and the latent will is revealed,
we find under the velvet glove an iron hand —
and no mistake about it. True courage is cool,
calm and collected, and is never fool-hardy,
quarrelsome, ill-natured or contentious.
^Accumulation is the power to reserve and
presei've a part of the supply which we are
coristantly reeeivi'.ig, so as to be in position to
take advantage of the larger opportunities
wliicli will come as soon as we are ready for
them. Has it not been said, *'To him that hath
shall be given." All successful business men
have this quality well developed. James J.
Rill, who recently died leaving an estate of
over fifty-two million dollars, said: "If you
want to know whether you are destined to be
a success or a failure in life, you can easil}>
f.nd out. The test is simple and it is infallible :
Are you able to save money ? if not, drop out.
You Vx'ill lose. You may think not, but you
will lose as sure as you live. The seed of
success is not in you." This is very good so
far as it goes, but any one who knows the
biography of James J. Hill, knows that he ac-
quired his fifty million dollars by following the
exact m.ethods we have given. In the first
place, he started with nothing; he had to use
his imagination to idealize the vast railroad
which he projected across the western prairies.
He then had to come into a recognition of the
law of abundance in order to provide the ways
and means for materializing it; unless he had
followed out this program he would never have
had anything to save,
Accumulativeness acquires momentum; the
more you accumulate the more you desire and
the more you desire the more you accumulate,
so that it is but a short time until the action
and reaction acquire a momentum that cannot
be stopped. It must, however, never be con-
founded v.'ith selfislmess, miserliness or penuri-
ousness ; tney are perversions and will make
any true progress impossible.
Constructiveness is the creative instinct of
the mind. It will be readily seen that every
successful business man must be able to plan,
develop or construct. In the business world
it is usualiy referred to as initiative. It is not
— 24—
enough to go along in the beaten path. New
ideas must be developed, new ways of doing
things. It manifests in building, designing,
planning, inventing, discovering, improving. It
is a most valuable quality and must be con-
stantly encouraged and developed. Every in-
dividual possesses it in some degree, because
he is a center of consciousness in that Infinite
and Eternal Energy from which all things pro-
Water manifests on three planes, as ice, as
water and as steam; it is all the same com-
pound, the only difference is the temperature,
but no one would try to drive an engine with
ice; convert it into steam and it easily takes
up the load. So with your energy ; if you want
it to act on the creative plane, you will have
to begin by melting the ice with the fire of
imagination, and you will find that the strong-
er the fire, and the more ice you melt, the more
powerful your thought w411 become, and the
easier it will be for you to materialize your
Sagacity is the ability to perceive and co-
operate with Natural Law. True Sagacity
avoids trickery and deceit as it would the lep-
rosy; it is the product of that deep insight
which enables one to penetrate into the heart
of things and understand how to set causes
in motion which will inevitably create success-
ful conditions.
Tact is a very subtle and at the same time a
very important factor in business success. It
is very similar to intuition. To possess tact
one must have a fine feeling, must instinctively
know what to saj^ or what to do. In order to
be tactful one must possess Sympathy and Un
derstanding, that understanding which is so
rare, for all men see and hear and feel, but
how desperately few ''uiidei'stand." Tact en-
ables one to foresee what is about to happen
and calculate the result of actions. Tact en-
ables us to feel wJien we are in the presence of
physical, mental and inoral cleanliness, for
these are today invariably demanded as the
price of success.
Loyalty is one of the strongest links which
bind men of strength and character. It is one
which can never be broken with impunity. The
man who Avould lose liis right liaiul rather than
beti'a}^ a friend will never lack friends. The
man who will stand in silent guard, until death,
if need be, beside the shrine of confidence or
friendship of those who have allowed him to
enter will find hiniseli linked with a current of
cosmic power whicli will attract desirable con-
ditions only. It is inconceivable that such a
one sh.ould ever meet with lack of any kind.
Individuality is the pov/er to unfold our own
latent ])ossibilities, to be a lav/ unto ourselves,
to be interested in the race rather than the goal.
Strong men care nothing for the flock of imi-
tr<tors Vv'ho trot complacently behind them.
They derive no satisfaction, in the mere lead-
iu:^ of large numbers, or the plaudits of the
mob. This pleases o?!ly T)etty natures and in-
ferior minds. Individuality glories more in
t he I' n Told in 'J r>t; the power vrithin than in the
jiPrviiitA'' of the weaklinjLr.
Individuality is a real power inherent in all
and the development and consequent expres-
sion of this power enables one to assume the
rer,T:>onr;;l);lity of directing his own footsteps
rather than stampeding after some self-as-
sertive bell-wether.
Truth i^; ihe imperativf^ co'?rliti^Ti of nil wp]1
being. To be sijtc, to knov/ Ihe truth Mud to
stai:(l "oiifidc'iily on it is a satisfaction beside
which no other is comparable. Truth is the
uiKierlyiijg verity, the condition precedent to
every husiuess oi" social relation. Truth is tlie
only solid ground in a world of conflict doubt
and danger. ♦
Every act not in harmony with Truth,
whether throu<^h ignorance or design, cuts the
ground from under our feet, leads to discord
inevitable loss, and confusion, for while
the humblest mind can accurately fore-
tell the J'csnlt of eveiy coi-rect actioii, tiie ^rrcjit-
est, most profound and penetrating mind loses
its ^vay liopcM'ssly and can form no conception
of the results due to a departure from correct
Those wlio establish within tluMnselves the
requisite elements of true success have estab-
lished confitlence, organized victory, and it
only remains for them to take such steps from
time to time as the newly-awakened thought
force will direct, and hereiii rests the mag-
ical seci'et of fdl ])ower.
Less than 10 per cent of our mental proces-
ses is conscious, the other 90 per cent is sub-
conscious and unconscious, so that he who
would depend upon his conscious thought
alone for results is less than 10 per cent effi-
cient. Those who are accomplishing anything
worth while are those who are enabled to
take advantage of this greater store house of
mental wealth. It is in the vast domain of
the sub-conscious mind that great truths are
hidden, and it is here that thought finds its
creative power, its powder to correlate with its
object, to brine: out of the unseen the seen.
Those f^imiliar with the laws of Electricity
understand the principle that electricity must
always pass from a higher to a loAver poten-
tiality and can therefore make whatever ap-
plication of the povrer tliey desire. Those not
i'ainiliar with tliis law can effect nothing; and
so with the law governing in the Mental World,
those who understand that IMind penetrates all
things, is Omnipresent and is responsive to
every demand, can make use of the law and
can control conditions, circumstances and en-
vironment; the uninformed cannot use it be-
cause they do not know it.
The fruit of this knowledge is, as it were, a
a gift of the Gods; it is the ''truth" that makes
men free, not only free from every lack and
limitation, but free from sorrow, worry and
care, and, is it not wonderful to realize that
this law is no respecter of persons, that it
makes no difference what your habit of thought
may be the way has been prepared.
With the realization that this mental power
controls and directs every other power which
exists, that it can be cultivated and developed,
that no limitation can be placed upon its ac-
tivity, it will become apparent that it is the
greatest fact in the world, the remedy for every
ill, the solution for every difficulty, the gratifi-
cation of every desire, in fact that it is the
Creator's magnificent provision for human
Seattle, Wash.,
April 28, 1919.
Mr. Chas. F. Haanel,
419 Granite Building,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel:
I am writing this letter in the hope that
some one may, through reading it, be en-
couraged to make a practical application
of the ' 'Master-Key."
If one-half of the population of our
country could be induced to study, ac-
cept and practice the "Master-Key" les-
sons, the millenium would be here and the
United States of America would be a
The study and application of the Mas-
ter-Key has removed all fear, worry and
distress from my life. It has placed my
feet upon a rock. I have read statistics
to the eftect that it is only one man in
fifty thousand who, when down and out
at the age of fifty, ever rises.
I wish to testify that not only I, but
any man at any age, can rise to a posi-
tion of honor, respectability and affluent
comfort by application of the principle
outlined in the "Master-Key." Indeed,
I can say that my latter days are more
blessed than the former.
Trusting and hoping I may continue to
be a lielp to ethers through your glorious
VA Paso, Texas, Ocl, 1, lOi?.
Clias. Y. Haaiiei,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Ilaanel :
Tlie value of an idea is determined by its
ajjplication. Pragmatism has long since spread
beyond the conlines of Missouri — the world
today insists on being shown.
The iasii of circumstance and the logic of
events are, more than ever, impelling men to
think. Whether an idea be a new process for
l)ickling cabbages or an old process for pre-
serving kings, w^e are from Missouri.
A philosophy of life having as its basis blind
optimism; a religion that won't work seven
days a week or a proposition that isn't prac-
tical appeals to the intelligent not at all. It is
results that we want and to all such the acid
test is: AVill it work?
The Master-Key qualifies. It is the most
lucidly scientific statement of "Truth" tlmt 1
iiave seen. It reconciles rationalism and re-
ligion; illumines economic determinism and
the materialistic conception of history and is
an infallible guide to understanding. It con-
tains in condensed form the substance of an
entire library on modern constructive thought.
Us teaching, if consistently applied, will make
any man, healthy, wealthy and wise. Its dis-
tribution is super-missionary work in excelsis.
Tliose who wish to think intelligently will find
it invaluable.
Intelligence rules. Thought intelligently di-
rected is a creative force which automatically
causes its object to manifest on a material
plane. Let him that hath an ear to hear, hear.
The Master Key System
The scientific spirit nov/ doiniiuiieri every
field of effort, relatioii.s oi* cause and eftect are
no longer ignored.
The discovery of a reign of law marked an
epoch in human progress. It eliminated the
element of uncertainty and caprice from men's
lives, and substituted law, reason and cer-
Men now understand that for every result
there is an adequate and definite cause, so that
when a given result is desired, they seek the
condition by which alone this result may be
The basis upon v.diich all law rests wns dis-
covered by inductive reasoniiig v/hich consists
of comparing a number of separate instances
with one another until tlie common factor
which gives rise to them all is seen.
It is this metliod of study to wjiicii the
civilized nations ov.'e tlie greater part of tlieir
prosperity and the more valuable part of tlieir
knowledge, it lias lengthened life, it has mit-
igated pain, it has spanned rivers, it has
brightened night with the splendor of day, it
extended the rai^ge of vision, accelerated
motion, annihilated distance, facilitated
intercourse, and enabled men to descend into
the sea and to soar in the air, w'lri wcnder
then that meji soon endeavored to extr-»ifi ihe
blessings of this system of stii'.iy to tlieir vx\f-.\h-
od of thiiiking, so that M'hen it became plaiui\
evident that certain results followed a par-
ticular metliod ot tiiiniiiiig it only remained to
classify tliese resuiis.
This method is seientiiie and it is the
only method by whicii we hiiiiii ue permitted
to retain that degree of liberty and free-
dom which we have been accustomed to
look upon as an inalienable right, because aa
Prof. A. h\ Lange, director of the (Jalifornia
University School of Education, says: "De-
mocracy is safe at home and in the world only
if national preparedness means such things
as growing surplus of health, accumulated
eliiciency in public and private business of
whatever sort, continuous advance in the
science and art of acting together, and the
increasingly dominant endeavor to make all
of these and all other aspects of national de-
velopment center and revolve about ascending
life, single and collective, for which sciem:e,
art and ethics furnish guidance and control-
ling motives."
The Master-Key System is based on ab-
solute scientific truth and wall unfold tJie
possibilities that lie dormant in the individual,
and teach how they may be brought into pow-
erful action, to increase the person's effective
capacity, bringing added energy, discernment,
vigor and mental elasticity . The student who
gains an understanding of the mental law^s
which are unfolded will come into the posses-
sion of an ability to secure results hitherto
undreamed of, and which has rewards hardly
to be expressed in words.
It explains the correct use of both the re-
ceptive and active elements of the mental na-
ture, and instructs the student in the recogni-
tion of opportunity; it strengthens the will
and reasoning powers, and teaches the cultiva-
tion and best uses of imagination, desire, the
emotions and the intuitional faculty. It
gives initiative, tenacity of purpose, wisdom
of choice, intelligent sympathy and a thor-
ough enjoyment of life on its higher planes.
The Master-Key Systein teaches the use of
Mind Power, true Mind Power, not any of
the substitutes and perversions ; it has nothing
to do with Hypnotism, Magic or any of the
more or less fascinating deceptions by which
many are led to think that something can be
had for nothing.
The Master-Key System cultivates and de-
velops the understanding which will enable
you to control the body and thereby the
health. It imj^roves and strengthens the
Memory. It developes Insight, the kind of
Insight which is so rare, the kind wliich is the
distinguishing characteristic of every success-
ful business man, the kind which enables men
to see the possibilities as well as the difficulties
in every situation, the kind, which enables men
to discern opportunity close at hand, for thou-
sands fail to see opportunities almost within
their grasp while they are industriously work-
ing with situations which under no possibility
can be made to realize any substantial return.
The Master-Key System develops Mental
Power which means that others will instinct-
ively recognize that you are a person of force,
of character — that they will want to do wdiat
you want them to do; it means that you will
attract men and things to you; that you will
be what some people call lucky," that
"things" will come your way; that you have
come into an understanding of the funda-
mental laws of Nature, and have put yourself
in harmony with them ; that you are in tune
with the Infinite; that you understand the
law of attraction, the Natural lavv^s of growth,
and the Psychological laws on Avhich all ad-
vantages in the social and business world
Mental Power is creative power, it gives
you the ability to create for yourself; it does
not mean the ability to take something away
from some one else. Nature never does things
that way. Nature makes two blades of grass
grow where one grew before, and Mind Power
enables men to do the same thing.
The Master-Key System develops insight
and sagacity, increased independence, the
ability and disposition to be helpful; it de-
stroys distrust, depression, fear, melancholia,
and every form of lack, limitation and weak-
ness, including pain and disease; it awakens
buried talents, supplies initiative, force, ener-
gy, vitality — it awakens'an appreciation of the
beautiful in Art, Literature and Science.
It has changed the lives of thousands of
men and women, by substituting definite
principles for uncertain and hazy methods —
and principles are the foundation upon which
every system of efficiency must rest.
Elbert H. Gary, the chairman of the United
States Steel Corporation said: ''The services
of advisors, instructors, efficiency experts in
successful management are indispensable to
most business enterprises of magnitude, but
i deem tlie recognition and adoption of right
principles of vastly more importance." The
Alaster-Key System teaches right principles,
and snggests methods for making a practical
application of the principles; in that it differs
from every other course of study, it teaches
that the only possible value which can attach
to any principle is in its application, many
read books, take home study courses, at-
tend lectures all their lives without ever mak-
ing any progress in demonstrating the value
of the principles involved. The Mastey-Key
System suggests methods by which the
value of the principles taught may be demon-
strated and put in actual practice in the daily
There is a change in the thought of the world.
This change is silently transpiring in our midst,
and is more important than any which the
world has undergone since the downfall of
The present revoluition in the opinions of
all classes of men, the highest and most cul-
tured of men as well as those of the laboring
class, stands unparalelled in the history of
the world.
Science has of late made such vast discov-
eries, has revealed such an infinity of resources,
has unveiled such enormous possibilities and
such unsuspected forces, that scientific men
more and more hesitate to affirm certain
theories as established and indubitable or to
deny certain other theories as absurd or im-
possible, and so a new civilizaztion is being
born ; customs, creeds, and cruelty are passing ;
vision, faith and service are taking their place.
The fetters of tradition are being melted off
- 85 -
from humanity, and as the dross of jnaterialism
is hcijiji' consumed, tliought is being liberated
and truth is rising full orbed before an aston-
ished multitude.
The whole world is on tlie eve of a new con-
sciousness, a new power and a new realization
of the resources vrithin the self. The last cen-
tury saw the most magnificent material pro-
gress in history. The new^ century will pro-
duce the greatest progress in mental and spir-
itual power.
Physical Science has resolved matter into
molecules, molecules into atoms, atoms into
energy, and it has remained for Mr. J. A.
Fleming, in an address before the Royal In-
stitution, to resolve this energy into mind.
He says: "In its ultimate essence, energy may
be incomprehensible by us except as an ex-
hibition of the direct operation of that which
we call Mind or Will."
Let us see what are the most powerful forces
in Nature. In the mineral world everything
is solid and fixed. In the animal and vegetable
kingdom it is in a state of flux, forever chang-
ing, always being created and recreated. In the
atmosphere we find heat, light and energy.
Each realm becomes finer and more spiritual
as w^e pass from the visible to the invisible,
from the coarse to the fine, from the low po-
tentiality to high potentiality. When w^e reach
the invisible w^e find energy in its purest and
most volatile state.
And as the most powerful forces of Nature
are the invisible forces, so we find that the
most powerful forces of man are his invisible
forces, his spiritual force, and the only way in
which the spiritual force can manifest is
through the process of thinking. Thinking is
the only activity which the spirit possesses, and
thought is the only product of thinking.
Addition and subtraction are therefore spirit-
ual transactions; reasoning is a spiritual pro-
cess; ideas are spiritual conceptioiis ; questions
are spiritual searchlights and logic, argument
and philosophy is spiritual machinery.
Every thought brings into action certain
physical tissue, parts of the brain, nerve or
muscle. This produces an actual physical
change in the construction of the tissue. There-
fore it is only necessary to have a certain num-
ber of thoughts on a given subject in order to
bring about a complete change in the physical
organization of a man.
This is the process by which failure is
changed to success. Thoughts of courage, pow-
er, inspiration, harmony, are substituted for
thoughts of failure, despair, lack, limitation
and discord, and as these thoughts take root,
the physical tissue is changed and the individu-
al sees life in a new light, old things have actu-
ally passed away, all things have become new,
he is born again, this time born of the spirit,
life has a nevv^ meaning for him, he is recon-
structed and is filled vrith joy, confidence, hope,
energy. He sees opportunities for success to
which he Avas heretofore blind. He recognizes
possibilities which before had no meaning for
him. The thoughts of success with which he
has been impregnated are radiated to those
around him, and they in turn help him onward
and upward; he attracts to him new and suc-
cessful associates, and this in turn changes his
environment ; so that by this simple exercise of
thought, a man changes not only himself, but
his environment, circumstances and conditions.
You will see, you must see, that we are at
the dawn of a new day; that the possibilities
are so wonderful, so fascinating, so limitless as
to be almost bewildering. A century ago any
man with an aeroplane or even a Gatling gun
could have annihilated a whole army equipped
with the implements of warfare then in use. So
it is at present. Any man with a knowledge of
the possibilities contained in the Master-Key
has an inconceivable advantage over the mul-
The Master-Key System comes in twenty-
four parts, one part is mailed each week. Each
part has a series of questions by which your
understanding of the lesson is tested. You are
invited and urged to ask any and all questions
that may occur to you concerning the lesson or
the application of the principles in question to
your own particular problem.
Many have found this privilege worth many
times the cost of the entire service. Many
have stated that the advice received in this
way was invaluable.
* * * *
Oakland, Calif., March 13, 1919.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
419 Granite Building,
St. Louis, Missouri.
My dear Friend:
In sending you my answers to Part Twenty-
four, I feel not unlike one who has just com-
pleted a most interesting voyage of discovery
in uncharted seas, under the able leadership
of an intrepid commander endov/ed with pro-
phetic vision.
Have I enjoyed this course of study, you ask;
I have simply devoured it. To me it has been
a revelation. No man who has been a mate-
rialist all his life, can so continue after he
becomes interested in these lessons. I was a
materialist; but I have become an idealist
since re?.ding the first three parts.
To me the chamber of life's mysteries has
been opened. The shackles of fear and super-
stition are broken. No longer do I dread what
may come to me with the passing years. For
I know that I can be the architect of my own
destiny — that I am master of my own career.
Has the course been of assistance to me? I
can not conceive of any sane person who could
truthfully answer this question other than
affirmative after completing it. It has been
and is of the greatest help to me in my pro-
fession, and in my social duties. In every
man's life there are low spots as well as high
spots. I believe I have had as many of the
former as the average man, and peevishness
was all too fast becoming one of my leading
features. But it is different now. The low
spots are mostly high ones.
It seems to me I could write a book on the
"wonders of visualization." But I will not at-
tempt it here. And then think of the uplift
one gets by using constructive thoughts to
banish vicious or destructive thoughts. With
each victory you can feel yourself growing
stronger along mental, moral and spiritual
lines. And what can be more inspiring than
to come into a full realization of the great
truth that one is a spirit with a body to use
for a season, rather than the old false notion
that you were a body with a spirit. This alone
is sufficient to make it well worth the study
necessary to the proper understanding of the
In conclusion let me say that I hope the
day is not far distant when this course will
be introduced to the world through our schools
and colleges, for the benefit of mankind in
Respectfully yours,
Tells upon what possession is based, explains the
cause of all gain, explains the cause of loss as well
as all other experiences in life. It explains how
power is secured. It tells of a world within and
how this world is governed. It explains how the
solution for every problem in life may be found.
It tells how practical men and women find the cour-
age, power, hope, enthusiasm and confidence by
which they are given the intelligence and vrisdom
to make tiieir droams come true. It tells how more
efficiency is obtained and retained, and how our
future may be placed under our own control instead
of being at the mercy of any capricious or uncer-
tain external power. It explains the cause of every
condition, the reason for every experience, the
origin of all power, and why all power is absolutely
under ouf own control.
Tells how and why the operations of the mini are
carried on by two parallel modes of activity, the
one conscious and the other sub-conscious. It ex-
plains why the thought processes of the sub-con-
scious are the theater of the most impcrtant mental
phenomena, v/hy ease and perfection depend en-
tirely upon the degree in which we cease to depend
upon the consciousness. It explains the origin of
all great, noble, brilliant thoughts and ideas, why
we find ourselves sometimes endoTed with tact»
instinct, courage, sagacity and inspiration. In fact
it tells of a vast mental storehouse in which ninety
percent of our thought processes originate; it ex-
plains also i.ow this vast ment-il storehouse may
be placed u;;drr the supervision and in the keeping
of the cons(:;':us mind. It tells why those who are
familiar with ihe laws governing in thi • larger men-
tal domain are enabled to accomplish, to achieve, to
become writers, authors, artists, ministers, cap-
tains of industry, and why all others must neces-
'arily remain lc"3 than ten percent efficient.
Tells why the necessary action and interaction of
the conscious and sab-coiiscious minds requires
two corresponding systems of nerves. It explains
how the connection la made between these two sys-
tems of nerves. It explains and tells of a central
point in the body for the distribution of energy.
How this energy is distributed. Kow the distri-
bution of this energy gives the individual pleasant
sensations, how the interruption of this distribu-
tion brings discord, inharmouy and lack and limita-
tion of every kind. It tells of an arch enemy which
must bo destroyed, and teils how to destroy it. It
tells what determines the experiences in life with
which we to meet, and why these experiences
are under our own control. One enthusiastic stu-
dent says of this part: "This document in my opin-
ion la the greatest single document beneflciai to
mankind ever written in the history of the world;
it is the first time that I have come into a true un-
derstanding of the Silent Powers that dominate and
determine one's success."
This part tells what it is which controls that
which you call yourself. "You"' are not your body,
the body is simply the physical instrument which
the ego uses to carry out its purpose. "You" are
not your rnJnd, this is simply another instrument
which the ego uses to think, reason and plan. When
you say "I" go you tell the body where to go, when
you say "I" think you tell the mind what to think.
When you come into a realization of the true na-
ture of tbe "I" you will enjoy a sense of power
which nothing else can give, because you v/ill come
to knov/ what you are, who you are, what you want,
and how to get it.
This part tells how the sub-conscious processes
are continually at v/ork, ?nd it tells how we may
consciously direct this work instead of being mere
—41 —
passive recipients of its activity. It tells how we
may have a vision of tiie destination to be reached,
the dangers and pitfalls to be avoided. It tells how
"the word has become flesh," how we are constantly
creating and recreating ourselves. It tells of a men-
tal home which each of us is building for ourselves,
the importance of this home, where the material la
secured, the character of the furnisliing, how and
why many of us need a mental hou ecleanlng in
case we wish to realize our ideals. It tells of the
conditions by which we may come into an inherit-
ance of health, harmony and prosperity, and the
condition is one which demands no sacrifice except
the loss of our limitations, our servitu(!es and our
weaknesses, and costs only the labor of harvesting
Its great resources.
Tells of the unlimited possibilities of tlie Universal
Mind, and explains how this mind is differentiated in
form. It tells of the most marvellous piece of
mechanism, which has ever been constructed, and
telis how the effect which will be produced depends
entirely upon the "mechanism to which it is at-
tached." It tells why we should all become fami-
liar with the mechanism so as to secure the effects
which we desire. Tlie power to which it can be at-
tached is unlimited, and we can accordingly secure
any effect we desire when we become familiar with
the mechanism, and understand how to make the
proper connections. An understanding of this part
will enable you to plan courageously and execute
fearlessy, because you will have come into a knowl-
edge of the source of all power and this will de-
termine your course in life, bringing you into con-
tact with all that is strongest and best and most de-
This part tells of a method by which you may
construct the mould or model from which your fu-
ture v/ill emerge. It tells how you may make it
grand and beautiful, it explains that you are not
limited as to cost or material, that no one can place
any limitation on it but yourself. It explains that
in the confetruction of this model, there is much
work to be done, that no one can do the work but
yourself, but it tells you what to do and how to
do it, it suggests methods and plans which if faith-
fully and persistently carried out will result in con-
ditions exactly in accordance Vvith the purpose and
thought. It telis of millions of faithful helpers
which will come to your aid if you are faithful in
your work, and it tells why some who are appar-
ently faithfully endeavoring to realize their ideal
seem to fail. It is sometimes just as important to
know what not to do as what to do.
This part tells of the creative principle of the
Universe, what it is, how it takes form and how it is
brought in to manifestation. This principle being the
underlying principle of all existence must neces-
sarily be governed by an immutable law. It tells
how the character, health and circumstances of the
individual are formed, and suggests methods where-
by desirable conditions and circumstances may be
created. It tells how and why and when the ma-
terial from which your future is to emerge is se-
cured. It suggests methods and exercises by which
you may secure complete control of the power which
governs in this mighty field of action. Mighty be-
cause it is the most important work which any in-
dividual can undertake. We are making our future
now, today, when it comes we shall have to accept
what is given, it will be too late to change it, but
we can dominate, control it, make It what we want
It to be, this part, explains how.
This part tells of the fundamental principle, the
imperative condition, the immutable law underlying
every successful business relation or social condi-
tion. It tells of the law by which you m^y make
yourself irresistable, by which you may sweep away
every form of discord, inharmony and doubt. It
tells the «ecret of the solution to every problem.
It explains that there are only three things which
all mankind requires for their complete happiness and
development. It tells what they "are and how they
way be had.
This part tells of the Law of Abundance. It
shows that Nature has provided an abundance for
all, and why some seem to be separated from this
supply. It tells of a connecting link between the
individual and the supply, explains the Law of At-
traction, the law by which your "own" is brought to
you. It tells why every experience in life is the
result of this law. It tells why and how you at-
tract the things to you which make up the sum total
of your existence. It tells how you may place
yourself In harmony with this law and thereby as-
sist in bringing about desirable conditions in your
health, environment, or finances. It shows that
this Law of Attraction is fundamental and eternal
and that there is no escape from the result of Ita
operation. A knowledge of this Law is absolutely
essential to those desiring to make permanent
This part tells of the means by w^hich we have
discovered that the infinitely small as well as the
infinitely large is in the last analysis nothing but
force, motion life and mind, it tells of the process
by which we have become familiar with the vast
organization by which we are identified with the
complex operations of nature. It gives concise di-
rections for making use of the creative power of
the Universe, the power by which all things are
brought into existence. It shows how this marvel-
lous power may be utilized, directed and made
available for the solution of every human problem.
This part tells of numerous counterfeits and
perversions by which many are led to think that
something can be had for nothing. There Is no
royal road to success, we must give before we can
get; if we cannot give money, we must give service,
we must give time and thought, the Law of Com-
pensation demands an eye for an eye. It tells how
we may create the implements by which we may put
into operation the laws by which we can gain ac-
cess to the unlimited resources of Nature.
This part tells of numerous counterfeits and
often result in disaster and frequently sweep away
the result of a life time cf effort and ex-
plains the modern method of thinking and shows
how actual, tangible results are thereby secured,
and how conditions must change in order to meet
the requirements of a changed consciousness. It
explains the process by which this change is brought
about and how we may hasten it.
This part explains the source of all Power, Vv'is-
dom and Intelligence, and how we may bring it into
harmonious relations in our affairs. It shows that
those who understand the principle get results in
exact accordance with their understanding and
their ability to make the proper application. This
opens up possibilities hitherto undreamed of and by
an orderly sequence of law. It explains the source
of all energy and all substance and the method by
which this Universal substa,nce is differentiated into
foi-m. It explains the nature of electrons and of
cells upon which the maintainance of health and
life depend, it explains how we may bring about
radical changes in our life and what the result of
auch changes must necessarily be.
This part explains the Law of Growth, and ox-
plains why we cannot obtain if v/e tenaciously cling
to what we have, and that difficulties, inharmoniea
and obstacles iDdicate that we are either refusing t©
give up what we no longer need, or refusing to ac-
cept what we require; v^e are holding on lo worn
out and useless material, or we are allowing a de-
tlciencj to exist and are not obtaining the material
necessary for our growth. It expains how the abil-
ity to appropriate what we require for our growth is
secured. It explains how vitality is important to
thought, and what determines the Importance of
words the vessels In which thought is carried. Ho-w
abundance may be secured and why we must be
prepared to assume the responsibility for every
thought and action. It explains the necessity of In-
sight, lt3 value in examining facts and conditions
at long range and in turning our attention to profit-
able channels instead of working with problems
which contain no possibility of any kind.
This part explains the nature of Wealth, it shows
how it is created and upon what it depends. It
shows why success is contingent upon an ideal
higher than the mere accumulation of riches, it
shows that success depends upon creative ability
and explains the necessary condition for attain-
ment. It explains why premature wealth is but the
forerunner of humiliation and disaster. It explains
the methods by which we may take our fate out of
the hands of chance, and consciously make for our-
selves the conditions which we desire, it tells how
we may compel success by the utilization of scien-
tific and exact methods, and it explains that while
we have the ability to create harmonious and con-
structive conditions we also have the ability to cre-
ate inharmonious and destructive conditions, and
unfortunately through ignorance of the law, this is
what many are doing.
This part tells of the Law of Vibration and why
the highest principle necessarily determines the cir-
euznotanc&s, aspects and relations of everything
with v/hich it comes in contact. It tells why and
how a knowledge of these higher forces make all
physical Lorce siiik into iiisigailicj^ce. It explains
ihQ nature of concentration, it tells something of
the practice of concentration, tells something of the
results of concentration. Tells how the mind may
became a magnet, how it may Irresistably attract
the conditions which it desires, it tella v/hy it ie
necessary "to be" in order "to have," it tells how
to unfasten the prison bars of weakness, impotence
and self-belit.tlement and realize the joy of over-
coming obstacles. It tells how the intuitive power-
Is set in operation and how this inevitably leads to
success. It tells of the difference between real
power and the symbols of power, and why the sym-
bols turn to ashes just as we overtake thorn.
This p?*rt tells of a chanive in the thought ot
men, a change which is silently transpiring in our
taidst and which is unparalleiod in the history of the
world. The fetters of iradition are being melted oS
from humanity and truth is full orbed before
an astonished multitude. It tells >.ov,' the individual
is enabled to control every form of intelligence
which has not as yet reached this level of self-recog-
nition. It telis when and how tbe creative power
originates, it tells how the Universal produces tha
various combinations which result in the formation
of phenomena, it exi)lains the principle of attrac-
tion by which thing.s are brought together, which is
the sole meajis by which existence is carried into
effect. It explains the real source of v/ealth of the
Individual. It explain^; th?? method by which atten-
tion and concentn-.lion may be .■ T.i ^liotyt?
why the power of attention is the distiugulshing
characteristic of every man of ability.
This paii of iJie search for truth, which Id
anotlier name lo: liiiir-iate caupe, if we can fmd the
truth we sliall have found the cause for every ef-
fect, and having found the cause we ahali be la po-
sition to control the clXect. It explains tiidt ail
things are finally resolvable into one thin><, and
that as they are thus translatable they must ever
be in relation and can never by in opposition to oug
another. It explains that a knowledge of this pri-
mary substance is power, it explains that a knowl-
edge of cause and effect is power, that wealth is
the ofispriug of power, that events and condition;^
are signilicant only as they effect power, and iinaliy
that ail things represent certain forms and degrees
of power. It tells of a certain form of power which
can control every other power, why it is superior
.Jid bow we may make use of tiiis superior power.
This part tells what the true business of life if?
and the result. It shows that we can obtain no re-
sults as long as we remain oblivious to the only
power there is, an understanding of the principles,
force.s, methods and combinations of mind and it?
relation to the Universal mind. It explains that the
Universal can act only through the Individual, it
shows that we are the channel for its activity, that
it is within us, that it is — us — we can of course fail
to recognize it an.d so exclude it from our conscious-
ness, but it will nevertheless be the basic fact of
ail existence. It tells of inspiration, the art of ad-
justing the individual mind to that of the Universal
the art of becoming a channel for the flow of Infinite
This part tells of the money cor.sciousness 8
tho power v/hich sets the current in motion whicjb
prod'ices the attractive force which opens the doors
to tlie arteries of commerce. It tell.M how the cur-
rent is stopped or completely, reversed and turnt^^
away from us. It tells how money is v/oven into
the outer fabric of our cxislcnco. Why it engages
the best thought of tiie best minds. How we make
money. How to recognize opportunity. How t6
make a money magnet of yourself. How to get the
necessary Insight to perceive and utilize opportuni-
ties. How to recognize values. It tells how to con-
vert an idea into into an income, how to make a
direct connection with the Universal mind, how to
eecure practical results; in fact, it t«lls what tlie
only really practical thing Is.
This part explains the cause of our present char-
acter, our present environment, our present ability
our present physical condition, and tells how we
can make our future \> hat we wish it to be. It ex-
plains how the vast panorama of Nature is being
constantly changed by simply changing the rate of
vibration. It tells how the rate of vibration is be-
ing constantly changed in our bodies, usually un-
consciously and often with detrimental and disas-
trous results, it tells how we may do this con-
sciously and thus bring about only harmonious and
salutary conditions. It explains that the Law of
Health is based on the law of vibration, and that
with a proper knowledge of the law we may ex-
ternalize health conditions, it explains the operation
of this law and how it is being more generally un-
derstood emd appreciated, and how many phyeiciaas
are now giving: the matter their earnest attention.
This part explains how we may come into pos-
session of power sufficient to meet every situation
which may arise in life. It explains that the ability
to eliminate imperfect conditions depends upon men-
tal action. It explains that great ideas have a ten-
dency to eliminate smaller ideas, so that it is well
to hold ideas which are large enough to counteract
and destroy all small or undesirable tendencies.
This is one of the secrets of success, one of the ac-
complishments of the Master Mind. It explains that
the creative energy finds no more difficulty in hand-
ling a large situation than a small one. It explains
how conditions are produced in our lives by the pre-
dominant thoughts which we entertain. It explains
how you may set causes in motion which will create
an irresistable magnetic power which will bring the
things you require to you.
This part explains tlie entire theory and practice
of every system of Metaphysics, it tells how to ex-
press harmony, how to express health, how to ex-
press abundance. It explains the nature of all con-
ditions, and how they may be changed or removed.
It explains how every difficulty, no matter what It
is or where it is, can be removed or dissolved, and
it explains the only way in which this Is ever done
or can be done. It also tells of a Master Key by
which those who are wise enough to understand,
broad enough to weigh the evidence, firm enough
to follow their own judgment, and strong enough
to make the sacrifice exacted, may enter and par-
Washington, D. C.
January 11, 1918.
Mr. Chas. F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel: —
I am inclined to believe that there
are very few people in the world today
capable of fully realizing the impor-
tance of the truths revealed in the
Master-Key System or able to fully ap-
preciate the value they are receiving.
Sincerely yours,
Welch, W. Va.,
Mr. Charles F. Haanel, March 8, 1919.
Saint Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel:
I now have Part 24 of the Master-Key Sys-
tem. Like all other parts or lessons of this
beautiful philosophy, the twenty-fourth lesson
of the Master-Key requires the keenest of
thought. It is the outcome of the profoundest
In seeking a true conception of the great
problems of life and death I have been think-
ing many years. I have read and re-read the
soberest hypotheses on this great and interest-
ing question which is now agitating the minds
of many thoughtful persons, but never as yet
have I read anything that measures up to the
It is conclusive enough for the daring think-
er. It needs no change, in fact, it is unchange-
able. No normal thinker can read the Master-
Key without being thrilled with a self-evidence
of an all-powerful Master Spirit from whom
all things preceed.
All the lessons from first to last are so in-
tensely interesting that to continually read
them has been my chief aim, because from
these wonderful lessons I get permanent joy
and enthusiasm.
If I had to part with all these lessons except
one, I would retain Part 24. All of the lessons
attain to the zenith in truth and grandeur, but
the twenty-fourth is a star of the first magni-
tude, the sublimest gem of all. I say this with-
out momentary enthusiasm, fiction, exaggera-
tion, or poetry.
Most truly yours,
Box 528,
Washington, D. C,
February 15, 1918.
My dear Mr. llaanel; —
There are so many beautiful prin-
ciples in your grand system, ' ' The Mas-
ter-Key," that it is difficult for me to
decide where to begin to express my
appreciation and gratefulness for a
knowledge of so many hitherto unre-
vealed truths.
The apparent impossibilities are the
very things that help us to realize the
possible. We must go over the "un-
beaten trail of thought," cross ''the
towering mountain of ignorance,"
wade through the "swamp of supersti-
tion," and cross "the canyons of rites
and ceremonies," if we ever expect to
come in possession of "the promised
land of revelation."
No system that I have come in con-
tact with, removes so completely from
the mind, ignorance and superstition,
and thereby lifts humanity out of the
''hollow of conventionalism," and
places it upon the "king's highway of
reason," as your Master-Key System.
To insist upon humanity to ' ' know thy-
self" is laudable, but to tell humanity
how, is inspiring.
If this letter or any portion of it will
be helpful to any student or anyone
contemplating taking this grand course
of study, you are at liberty to use it.
Gratefully and sincerely yours,
61 Florida Ave., N. W.
Master Key Resume
The inscription ''Know Thyself," as written
over the entrance of the Temple Delhi, 600 B.
C, does not apply to the Greeks, alone, but is
a command to every man and every woman
of every age. It is written over the door of
each living temple, not as a decoration, but
is the passport into the city beautiful. Every
door that swings ajar from ignorance to wis-
dom, from lack to plenty, from death to life,
has done so because the Master of the House
has found the Master-Key.
The Master-Key System came to me as an
old friend who had returned from a journey
that I was about to embark upon. I found
that it had carefully catalogued and pigeon-
holed the great points of interest and truth
of life, and had them so systematically and
orderly arranged, that, by the use of its guide,
I was enabled to lay my hands upon an "ever-
present help" in the darkest night of indecision.
First, I was given a trip to the inner power-
house, shown how to connect the great belt
to the Omnipotent. Each department was vis-
ited, its heads, sub-heads and down to each
little messenger gone over carefully. Next
we inspected the product of thought. In this
plant the first output is the perfect product of
health, affluence and harmony. This trinity
is a thing of beauty as well as a joy forever.
Now my attention was directed to what is
called "seconds," having the appearance of
the real only. Here I found limitation, lack,
inharmony, sickness, etc. My benevolent
friend also displayed for my benefit the ex-
orbitant sums paid for the "seconds" when
the real is offered at half the price.
The Master-Key, to the Master's House with-
in the Master Kingdom, is within the mind of
every man or woman. The Key is the golden
privilege of "It is given unto you to know
the mysteries of the Kingdom" within. The
wards of the lock are so fitted that they open
to the positive, spoken word. Within the palace
are the royal purple, fine linen, golden sandals
and signet ring. The feast of the fatted calf
of substance, supply, health and harmony is
ready and waiting. The servants smile a greet-
ing and are calmly waiting, ready and willing
to serve the prodical with the best.
Like most students, I found that as I reached
the borders of the Promised Land, I still held
husks of the swine herd that Fear had thrust
into my hands, knowing well that these alone
would keep me standing without until the
feast was over and done. But a recognition
of the need of the meat of the kingdom, and
a "I WILL arise and go to my Father,"
brought me within sight of the mansion. This
modicum of insight was the impetus or "lamp"
unto my world-weary feet, and so I pursued my
journey and passed on.
The Master-Key marks well tJio guide posts
of the by-roads of this .jouniey. Well estab-
lished trade-marks indicate the trutli that the
inner guides offer, and best of all it labels
boldly the "seconds," with their gaudy, in-
ferior wares and fleeting pleasures.
The Spirit of Life, the Soul and man's phys-
ical entity, are so clearly and comprehensively
mapped before the student, that he is soon
able to discern, trace and describe the Circle.
Then follows the meaning of the mystic num-
ber ''three" and "one" as centralization. Here
he learns that life is one great verse of joy
and interest, and that he, Man, is the very
epilo]ne of it all.
The Master-Key not only introduces man to
himself, but shows him his source, his relatives
and friends. It places within his hands the
mighty field-glass that searches out the loca-
tion of the camps, trenches and movements of
the enemy, "Ignorance." "Within this train-
ing camp of the "Key system he is taught
how to set up a station that is correctly attuned
to that of his great Commander-in-Chief, ' ' Uni-
versal Mind." Here he is trained to concen-
trate his army of constructive thoughts, how
to move and flank them as one great, living
unit upon the outer field of the affairs of daily
life, and to finally come "over the top" of
what appeared, before his matriculation, as
formidable and undoable. Now he is beyond
the caviling voices from the outer lines, and
from the hill-top of "T AM," he find that "over
there" is not an idle hymn, that lulls and as-
phixiates the soul, but is the God conscious-
ness beyond the jurisdiction of the Egyptians
that have so long held him captive, working
for them in the bricks and mortar of sense.
Hark ! For now there is wafted to his ears
the battle hymn of "Peace," and it issues
from the tliroats of the all mighty army of
"Righteousness" the universal company, so
he joins in Henley's —
''It matters not how straight the gate,
IIow charged with punishment the scroll,
I AM the Master of my fate,
I AM the Captain of my soul."
And all of this wonderful legacy came to
him because he was teachable and willing to
accept it. Willing to discard the old, effete
ideas; willing to put on the new robe that
was better fitted to the needs of the day, and
as he looks over its beauty and quality, he dis-
covers it to be a seamless garment. There is
nothing about it that will rip, ravel, rend or
rot, and he sees, too, that it symbolizes a one-
One beautiful point of the many in this
System is this: A quiet, gentle hand draws
aside the dull, thick curtain of wonderment
and doubt long enough for the student to
come face to face with the ''CREATOR." Now
he is SURE that the Creator and the thing
created are concommitant. This has too long
been a great, dark, empty void. Too long we
have been taught to look to the without rather
than the within for this "I AM." For time
immemorable we have listened to the "no man
hath seen the face of God." Thanks to the
Good Samaritan, whose kindly hand has lifted
our drooped head and assisted us into the
light, for here we see that "He is Light."
How according to the old familiar teaching
it all reasons out. For the Kingdom of Heaven
was located within. The Secret Place of the
Most High must then be the throne room. Oh,
the wonder of this great world of wealth un-
told within every man. As we go on up, up, up,
to the topmost pinnacle of the Temple, to the
centerage of that brain which overhangs the
others like a veil of a beautiful trailing garden,
we are able to view all of the kingdoms of
the earth, and to give them a correct estima-
tion. Because we are now one with the law,
we realize that it does not pay to worship
at the shrine of anything less than the Uni-
So we turn to the Key or Code, the Truth
or inner guide. Here is Concentration, Ideal-
ization, Visualization; this well obeyed trinity
calls forth a ''this is my beloved son in whom
I AM well pleased."
Truly the Master-Key is the Key-Stone, the
Chief Head of the Corner Stone, in which suc-
cess in all things is layed. Spell it however
we may, in the CAPITAL LETTERS of a cap-
ital idea, or in the outer form of SUCCESS — it
is one and the same.
Dear Mr. Haanel :
St. Louis, Mo.
January 9, 1919.
Racine, Wis.,
734 College Ave.
I wish to express to you my heart-felt
thanks for the privilege of becoming ac-
quainted with the most wonderful teaching
that was ever conceived.
Much indeed has been written in regard to
the millennium, and the return to the gates
of Paradise, but it remained for you to pro-
duce with the tool of thought a Master-Key
wherewith all might enter and enjoy its un-
limited beauties.
With kindest wishes, I remain,
Yours sincerely,
The letters which are being received in
every mail from enthusiastic and delighted
students, indicate that The Master-Key System
is appreciated, in fact we know of no other
educational system Vvhich ever received so
many enthusiastic and hearty endorsements
in such a short space of time. They come from
everywhere and everyone, lawyers, ministers,
teachers, clerks, mechanics, housewives; and
they tell of renewed health, increased vigor,
added finances, additional courage, hope and
inspiration, they tell of the destruction of fear,
anxiety, worry, and every other form of dis-
tress, physical, mental and environme'ntal.
The letters reproduced in the following
pages, have been selected from a very large
number, and are published by special permis-
sion, but if the reader could see the hundreds
of letters which are being received every day,
all the time, he would admit that they are a
most remarkabh^ revelation of the extraordin-
ary benefits being derived by students of The
Master-Key System.
New York, N. Y.,
May 15, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel : —
Ever since I have been old enough to read
I have been reading occult and metaphysical
literature. I have waded ears deep through the
books from all ages, all lands, all schools.
I have rejected tons of lies, oceans of mis-
conceptions, an entire universe of false deduc-
I have found grains of truth in inines of fol-
ly, and worlds of truth in a single grain. The
pursuit was interesting in itself, and I do not
regret the time spent upon it. But it was a
genuine surprise to read your Master-Key Sys-
tem and find within the essence of all that I had
read, with much more added thereto.
In this extraordinary system you have sifted
the true from the false; you have given in
concrete form all that is worth while in many
schools of philosophy.
You have placed arcane truths into the hands
of the uninitiated as weapons they can learn
to use without danger to themselves. I con-
gratulate you. You are doing mankind a serv-
Yours very sincerely,
501 Fifth Avenue,
Astor Court Building. Room 32, 18 W. 34 th St.
New York, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel :
I am pleased with your ''Master-Key Sys-
tem." I have read the Yogi Philosophy
Blavatski, Koran, Babbit and studied all the
beautiful works on the developments of the
mind, but never have I read or studied any
book or lessons that have made me come into
a realization of the "I" as explained in the
Master-Key. To a novice these lessons are
a revelation.
I call myself a successful man, but with the
new instruction I will double the work with
better efficiency than in the past. I was the
founder of the famous New Jersey College of
Chiropractic, I am a student of nature, an
author, lecturer and teacher, and at every op-
portunity to the students of the Chiropractic
University of New York, where I am now
lecturing, I shall recommend that they take
your course.
It will make them self-reliant and will teach
them to build up a practice as no other course
in psychology will.
You have struck the key-note, it is in truth
"The Master-Key."
You have my permission to use this. I
want to help spread this noble work. Thank-
ing you, I am.
Sincerely yours
145 Western Avenue,
Muskegon, Mich.,
October 19, 1918.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel:—
I have been a very close student for the past
thirty years. During this period I have read
every conceivable kind of work along Psycho-
logical, Metaphysical and Theosophical lines.
In these I found much to think about. But my
past reading has been as child's play compared
to what I have found locked in the wisdom
vaul of the Master-Key. Never have I read
such apparent revelations of the Divine mech-
anism of the world within.
Although I have received only up to the
sixth part, yet this has revealed to me — myself,
showing that my limit of accomplishment is
marked only by the limit of the Infinite. I now
know that I am a unit of that grand integral
known as the Universal Mind. That ''I can be
what I will to be," if I know how, and the Mas-
ter-Key certainly shows one how.
Hereafter I shall never dread the future nor
balk at life-problems. I shall go ' ' over the top ' '
with a vim creditable only to a student of
the Master-Key.
The Master-Key System should be in the
curriculum of every school and college through-
out the entire world.
I would write you more ; but the Master-Key
has carried my mind away on a visit to the
world within, to which hitherto I have been a
stranger, and the enjoyment is simply indes-
Yours sincerelv,
— 61—
Deep creek railroad co.
Wendover, Utah, July 15, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
I have just finished Part 24, of the Master-
Key System and feel constrained to say:
Surely the majority have been lying too long
in the tomb of material thought.
I have only begun to realize what it means
because the Master-Key System is so simple
in its way of opening the great door, which
had seemed impossible prior to taking up the
The Master-Key System makes me feel the
world is better because we have lived in it and
are living in it. I congratulate everyone who
has become acquainted with the Master-Key
System, as it opens the way for those who
have the desire without the attractive force
which sets the current in motion.
I have learned to ignore fear because Truth
is fearless. The finding of Truth is the dis-
covery of harmony, because it is the escape
into reality out of the discordant conditions of
human beliefs.
The application of the Master-Key System
is solving my problem, which is in the busi-
ness realm, and is Avorking wonders for me,
so to speak, and naturally I am very thank-
ful for the evidence of the working of the
law, which will surely accomplish other re-
sults the same as it did this one.
Yours sincerely,
— G2—
Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 19, 1918.
Dear. Mr. Haanel:
I have indeed enjoyed the course of study
very much and it has been of great assistance
to me. My outlook upon life has been broad-
ened, my point of yiew enlarged, and my
knowledge of truth multiplied many times.
However, a statement of the sum total of
benefit received from these lessons is nearly
impossible to make, inasmuch as this benefit
entails practically a reconstruction of my en-
tire life and thought. On account of great
difficulty in assimilating radically new ideas,
I have not kept pace with the lessons even
with a week between them. But I can say to
you that they have given me a foothold upon
the everlasting hills which will one day bring
me to the summit of the peak.
^'ou are opening tne doors of a new ana
wonderful life to many, giving them in under-
standable terms the wisdom of all the ages.
We have had many to tell us what to do, but
you tell us also how to do it. May you con-
tinue and prosper, and my best wish for my
fellow beings is that they listen to you and
take the lesson to heart.
With all best washes and many thanks for
the Koy which your helpful and brotherly
hand has slipped into mine in passing, I am,
Cordially and sincerely yours,
Laundry, Dyers' and Dry Cleaners' Supplies
Troy, N. Y., Sept, 13, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
I have just finished Part Five of your
"Master-Key" instructions and inclose the
answers. Through the impulse of gratitude
for the benefit derived from the first five in-
structions taken, I heartily recommend your
"Master-Key" not only to the young men but
also to the (young) old men who may, and
most of them do, think it is too late to begin
life anew.
I have always been a thinker, but I found
out through your "Master-Key" as far as I
am today, that there is a wide difference be-
tween only thinking and in directing your
thoughts consciously, systematically and con-
I just passed 56 years of what I call a con-
tinuous struggle of anxieties and fear of
future complication, etc., as I had been chang-
ing only conditions, as you truthfully state in
your "Master-Key," instead of changing the
Today, with only five instructions of your
"Master-Key," I am an entirely different
man, no fear, no anxiety, well and happy,
healthier, wealthier and happier than ever be-
fore in my life.
Truly yours,
Colorado Springs, Colo., July 18, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel :
I have received the fourth part of the
Master-Key. I am a student of Psychic Science
and so far your course contains the mental
food which I have studied, but wonderfully
shaped and outlined, for which I can give you
my most sincere credit.
I am sending you six names of highly re-
fined men. I hope that they will be interested
in your wonderful work. You will find a true
friend in me at all times because you deserve
the friendship of every forward thinking man.
The trouble with the majority of people is
a lack of sufficient confidence in themselves.
They do not recognize their power. A new
self-consciousness needs to be awakened in
them. The great majority of people ar incap-
able of thinking and reasoning for themselves.
They are governed by fear and ruled by emo-
tion. Others go through life in a dream-like
mental condition.
It is your wonderful system that will awaken
and develop and encourage every bodily cell
to increased function in those that understand
the value of your work and follow your in-
structions. I recommend the Master-Key, to
every red-blooded, forward thinking man and
Wishing you the greatest success, I am,
Very respectfully and sincerely yours,
220 Cheyenne Ave.
Bartley, Neb., May 30, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
I have just finished the study of Part 24
of the Master-Key. I found it to be a wonder-
ful exposition of Truth and to be very inspir-
ing and uplifting.
As I studied each part I would think that
the one just mastered was certainly the best
one of the series, but I find that each one is
the best; comparisons would be invidious.
Each part fills its own niche and fills it per-
I have studied metaphysics for 20 years, but
I have never found a greater "Multum in
parvo" than the Master-Key is, and it does its
work perfectly.
When I commenced its study I adopted the
monthly payment plan, as, owing to having
been mixed up with others in some business
affairs that turned out unprofitably, I felt that
plan was the only one open to me. However,
during the course of the study of the Master-
Key the business outlook has cleared up won-
derfully and I am rapidly getting clear of
financial entanglements.
Sincerely yours,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Oct. 9, 191B.
Dear Mr. Haanel :
It is with genuine regret that I have reached
the last lesson in the "Master-Key" and I
feel I must write and tell you how very much
benefit and help I have received from the
study of the same.
To me the best of any System is its prac-
ticability in one's daily life. In this respect
the "Master-Key" is the Peer of any system
of Metaphysics I have ever come across.
I have tested its principles daily in my own
case and notJiing is more certain, than that
whosoever studies faithfully and dilligently
its teachings, is sure to receive lasting benefit,
great uplift and a gradual consciousness of
unlimited potentialities.
You teach "how to think" so that one may
receive the best obtainable out of Life. In
this particular your "Master-Key System" is
unique and in a class by itself. I have recom-
mended it to all seekers after "Truth" and
you can depend upon me to do what I can in
making its "value" known.
Wishing you all success,
Very cordially yours,
January 9, 1919.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
St. Louis, Mo.
As a benefit to mankind and a reward to you
in the coming New Year I wish that the whole
world could have the truth you are teaching
in your wonderful course. The cost of the
course is too small to consider, even in close
circumstances, if one wishes to live a full life
and be a povvcr in the World's Work.
No doubt you have felt that my progress is
slow, and necessarily it has been, because I had
to build my tools for the greater part of my
work. However, I am beginning to see a won-
derful light. My life would have meant in-
finitely more to the world if I had known its
value sooner. Your crown will be filled with
bright stars!
I am in receipt, this morning, of an appoint-
ment for Federal Service which is a direct
manifestation of a part of the ideal I am hold-
ing in mind for the present needs of my State
in meeting the great world emergency. The
remainder will come.
I thank you with profound gratitude for
your teaching.
Sincerely yours,
5712 Catherine St,
Philadelphia, Pa.,
Dec. 20, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
Part three of the Master-Key System re-
ceived a few days ago, and I want to express
my sincere admiration of the simplicity of
your lessons.
I have always been a diligent seeker after
the Truth, but have been grovelling in dark-
ness for many years, and it seemed that the
more I read the more hopelessly involved I
If the remaining lessons are nearly as good
as the first three, there is a tremendous amount
of pleasure and profit awaiting me, for I have
already had m.any thrills of joy, as one after
another of perplexing difficulties have van-
ished, as the mist beneath the sun.
Many important truths that have hitherto
been mysterious to me, are now unfolding
themselves in my mind, and the joy experi-
enced in the unfoldment is inexpressible.
If there is any way I can assist you in dis-
seminating these wonderful revelations, I am
at your service, for I want all to know the
supreme blessings that are now mine through
your assistance.
If this letter will assist you in getting just
one person to take up your splendid course,
I shall feel delighted; as happiness such as
this is too great to keep to oneself.
Yours very sincerely,
800 Massachusetts Ave.
Haileyburg, Ont., Canada,
Nov. 22, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
I am enjoying the Master-Key lessons very
much. In fact, they constitute the greatest
source of real pleasure I have yet experienced
in this weary world.
They are the answer to a hunger and thirst
I have known all my life. And possibly they
are the "more light" that many believe to be
now due.
When I am preparing my answers T feel
like a miner searching for rare gems and the
2CV of getting what I feel is tlie correct one
aiid thus getting a glim])se of Truth is indeed
pure pleasure.
From the first lessons the thouglit hns been
with me constantly— surely this is the Master's
teachings, only stated in modern scientific
form, that we of this day and generation may
You have solved tlse riddle oF life and put
it into language and foi-m tliat :dl who so
desire may understand it.
Grateful] V and sineoi-ely yours,
Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 3, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel :
I do not know of any language — I speak,
read and write several — that has words which
fittingly could explain the feelings that the
first lesson of your "Master 'Key" has aroused
in me. I seem to undergo an internal revolu-
tion. Such words I heretofore found in the
dictionary only, but never, never in such
sentences with such enormous meaning.
I always knew that there was something
about which I was in absolute ignorance and
what this "something" was I now begin to
know. Eureka !
I often asked men that had made a success,
starting with nothing, as it were, how they
accomplished their success but they never
found time to tell me, possibly they could not
account for it themselves.
As for me, life appears to me in an entirely
different light and with the help of the
"Master-Key," I am going to follow the short
cut to success.
Yours most truly,
530 Fifth Ave., Ncav York City,
Oct. 31, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
Efficient Leadership is the demand of the
lionr: such is your leadership in the Master-
Key System of which you are the controlling
Your System is so grand, so vitally inspir-
ing, so powerful as an impetus, that words
seem inadequate to give a due need of praise
for your work so faithfully and skillfully ac-
• It is indeed an invaluable grasp upon lite:
a line of thought which is a Kevelation, a
Criterion and an inspiration for those you in-
struct. . 1 -,
As a student of Oxford University, England,
a matriculant of Columbia University, New
York City, it is equally a pleasure and a duty
to add these words to the many encomiums you
have already received from grateful students.
Mansfield, Mass., April 17, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
Not having had the advantage of more than
a grammar school education, and never hav-
ing read of or studied the possibilities of
psychology in its relation to every day life
and affairs, your system has opened and
awakened a new set of brain cells.
I want to say to you that after living thirty-
three years in ignorance, and consequently in
mis-directing my energies, I realize fully that
I cannot perform the miracle of changing my
conditions over night.
Therefore I have been careful in knowing
w^hat to attempt. My health demanded my
first consideration, and I have directed my
thought to that subject, with the astonishing
result that my conditions no longer bother me.
And you can readily understand that a per-
son's health must be all right if he can for-
get about it. Such has been my first experi-
ence as a direct result of constructive think-
ing as taught by your System.
Eespectfully yours,
Chicago, 111., May 16, 1918.
Dear Mr. Ilaanel: ^
Many sciences and ologies have I studied,
partly to satisfy my curiosity, and partly to
progress not only financially, but intellectual-
ly and spiritually, and while I added to my
knowledge and broadened my outlook on life,
it seems there was always a desire for more
But since I read the Master-Key I know
that was what I had been seeking these many
years. The Master-Key System is the best,
most concise, scientific exposition of cause and
effect of thought that I have ever read — and
I know the law works, for I have experienced
it often, mostly unconsciously; sometimes con-
But the Master-Key System explained the
hov/, why and w^herefore and gives one a firm
foothold on the road of life and is the open
''Sesame" to all there is in the store-house
of the world within. I certainly appreciate
the wealth of knov^rledge the Master-Key has
opened to me.
Yours very truly,
3019 N. Clark St.
345 St. John's Place,
Brooklyn, New York,
April 24, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel: -
The vista of Truth which this "Master-Key
System" reveals, is beyond any ordinary
powers of expression.
Tliere was never a time in the history of
Uie world when the faculty of Thought was
III jre urgently required, both for the individual,
and for the masses; and when each individual
learns to think aright, the whole world will
be governed by right thought.
The Master-Key opens the way and fur-
nishes the infallible guide. Through the ap-
plication of the principles of this *'Key," one
can change not only his or her whole environ-
ment; but the entire being, physical, mental
and spiritual. Verily, it is true that "I can
be what I will to be."
I have been a student along psychological
and metaphysical lines for several years; but
I have never found anything which appealed
to me as so entirely practical, applicable, and
efficient as your teachings. If anything I
can say or write will be of service at any
time, I shall be more than glad to give any
information in my power to that end.
AVith a most hearty and sincere desire to
aid, if I can, in your success, and in the pro-
mulgation of the Truth you are teaching, I
Faithfully yours,
{Meiiihrr 11/ Hir Anirriran CoUrclion Sni'ice)
Collections and Adjustments Everywhere
Office, 827 Main Street
Vallejo, Calif., Sept. 12, 1918.
Dear Mr. IIaanel:-v
I had hardly finished the course, when the
most severe trial of my life, that shook the
very foundation of my faith, undertook me,
so that I might prove the depth of my soul's
wisdom. I believe I have stood the test com-
pletely and am convinced that I owe much of
the broader and deeper vision of life, to the
study of the ''Master-Key."
Your course has indeed been a revelation
to me and pointed the path to a practical ap-
plication of those works of wonder, any stu-
dent of psycholog-y is familiar with, but
familiar only in theory. I now know from
actual experience that the ''I" is indeed a
spirit of godlike power.
To ''Know Thyself" will be the slogan I
shall follow, because I believe I have hardly
scratched the mine of knowledge, but with
the help of your wonderful directions I mean
to dig deeper and deeper into the pleasures
of the Unseen.
With many thanks and wishing you every
Very sincerely yours,
P. S. If this letter can be of any use to you,
please employ in any way you gee fit.
338 Main St., East,
Rock Hill, S. C,
July 7, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
Each lesson is such an unfoldment of beauty
and the perfect relation of the exquisite parts
of a harmonious and complex whole, that each
seems to have an individual life — almost or
quite as if it would suffer under rough treat-
These lessons ''grow in grace," they become
more beautiful, more helpful, more illuminat-
ing and, may I add, they are to me becoming
more simple. Where at first I was afraid of
some species of new 'ism I find a beautiful
presentation of the old Truth. That gospel
which has been so twisted and warped by ma-
terial intellectuality — so buried by false prem
ises that it has taken a world cataclysm to
bring it once more to the attention of Man-
During the last week an opportunity pre-
sented itself to me and I had the courage to
grasp it, which I am convinced was the direct
result of my study of the system — which is
in truili the Master-Key.
Boston, Mass.,
10 Cumberland St.,
Dec. 27, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
For fifteen years, I have been unfolding to
these higher laws. I use the word unfolding,
because I have had to find my answer sub-
jectively. It is the custom of the Masters to
wrap these Truths about with the winding
sheet of metaphor to confound and mystify.
That it is wise we know, for only to those who
are worthy to discover will the sacred teach-
ings be revealed.
I appreciate the concise, clear-cut style in
which you have given these laws, and look
forward to the coming ones with keen pleas-
It will give me great pleasure to place these
in the hands of many whom I know are flound-
ering about amidst the uncertainties of the
metaphysical dogma of the past.
Through these lessons I have found the
secret of application, and the result has been
so miraculous I can hardly believe it to be
true. Like many others, I have, in order to
solve esoteric truths, given myself over to sub-
jective states so that my objective senses have
become inert, and the material things of life
have slipped away.
I woke up about three months ago to this
fact and realized the w^onder and beauty of
the objective life and that to raise it to its
highest expression was our lesson on this plane.
Therefore you can know how opportune these
teachings are. Yet it is ever so, and the
Masters are ever ready to guide us when we
are ready to be guided.
Yours fraternally,
1303 4th Ave.,
Eock Island, 111.,
Sept. 12, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
I have just received part seventeen of the
* 'Master-Key." It certainly is a Master-Key,
which will surely unlock any door of Wis-
dom and Power ever dreamed of.
In my opinion the "Master-Key" should be
taught in every school in the world. The ef-
fect would be that all worry, fear, disease and
poverty would disappear from the Earth, and
at last the real Paradise would be here.
I just received a letter from one of my
friends in Kalamazoo, Michigan, who took your
course through my advice. Here is what he
writes: "I am much interested in the Master-
Key and am certainly becoming more interested
all the time. I feel obliged to you, because
you induced me to take this course of lessons.
I have been a student of Psychology for a
number of years, but I never before attempted
to put these things into practice, as I have,
since receiving these lessons."
I know from my experience that the Master-
Key can solve any problem in life, if applied
right. I believe the trouble with most stu-
dents is, they give too much attention of ex-
ternal conditions, the World without.
Please, Mr. Haanel, send me a few ''Master-
Key" pamphlets with which I can help to
spread this wonderful truth, which really is
the greatest discovery of the 20th century.
Yours sincerely,
Council Bluffs, Iowa, Doc. IG, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
I have tlie ''Master-Key" system, up to and
including Part 8, and it affords me great pleas-
ure, to acclaim — without the slightest reser-
vation, that the "Master-Key System" has no
equal, as a means of imparting practical, work-
a-day knowledge, to a much confused people.
In the ''Master-Key" you have arranged in
a condensed form, the very essence of truth —
as taught by all great philosophers from the
daAvn of civilization. I care not what one's
education and opportunities have been — the
great truths set forth in the "Master-Key Sys-
tem"— will add immeasurably to his store of
Unlike any other system of which I know,
you proceed at once to the real, and only way
to become conscious of "ultimate truth." You
have lifted the veil of ancient and modern
mysteries, and placed the scepter of knowledge
within easy reach of all who desire to be master
of their own destiny.
Ignorance, superstition and fear is being
banished from the world; and man is at last
In this great work of blessings, know that
my best thoughts are with you. If at any
time you feel that my opinion of the "Master-
Key" might be the means of bringing the
"light" to a benighted soul — do not hesitate
to quote me. I have already interested some
of my friends, and shall continue my eff'orts.
Cordially yours,
Pendleton, New Mexico, Oct. 21. 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
Just a few words, to let you know how I am
progressing with the Master-Key System.
That the man may control and shape his
destiny, through the proper and intelligent
use of his powers of thought, has long been
a subject of absorbing interest to me ; but
never before have I been able to get down to
bed rock principles as in the Master-Key Sys-
All my life I have been afflicted with a name-
less dread and fear of people and things, which
amounted to a positive weakness and which,
unfortunately, neutralized and made inef-
fectual by otherwise natural ability.
I have not, yet, reached the goal, but I am
on the way; and I am sure there are great
things ahead, because of the beautiful growth
and unfoldment, of the joyous and triumphant
life made possible by a careful study of the
My most earnest and sincere desire is that
others seeking the royal highway to power,
happiness and efficiency may happily avail
themselves of your splendid instruction in the
matchless philosophy of mind; and, to this end,
you may use this letter in any way you see
With all good wishes, I am.
Sincerely yours,
715 N. 5th St., Reading, Pa.,
Dee. 21, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
Have received the last lesson of the Master-
Key and wish to express my thanks to yon
i'or the pleasure and benefits I have derived
from the study and applications of same.
Your course is entirely practical and from
the very first lesson the principles can be ap-
plied to the ordinary affairs of life.
It is in the ready application that your
course differs from the abstract philosophies
of all times.
The revelation of the world within is alone
worth the price of the course.
As a means for the attainment of success
and happiness your course is more valuable
than a college education.
"Wishing you the best of success in your
worthy enterprise, I am,
Your debtor,
Dayton, Ohio, Dec. 10, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
Your Master-Key has caused me to look up-
on this grand old world from a different
angle; it is grander than ever, even though I
have ahvays been an optimist.
I have been immensely benefited from the
study of your lessons, spiritually, physically,
and financially.
If this letter will be of any ''service" to
you, use it with my best wishes,
R. D. McGregor.
Mexico, D. F., Dec. 27, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
The people over here are awakening to a
more spiritual life, and they hunger for books
on the subject. They seek here many books on
Development of "Will Power, Mind Power,
Power of Thought, Success in Business, and so
forth, but I know pretty near all of them —
some of these have been translated into Span-
ish, by me — and they are words, words, words.
None of these books deal with the subject
in the simple perfect and comprehensive way
as the Master-Key System does, which un-
doubtedly, can be regarded as classical and
unique and the best that has ever been pub-
lished the world over. Your System is within
the reach of the average intelligence as well
as of the highest because it is not essentially
technical in its explanations. Its importance
is so great that I consider it myself as ''the
leaven that will leaven the lump."
I studied the Impersonal Life Message some
three years ago. I devoted myself to realiza-
tion, and having succeeded, I have been giv-
ing lectures, since that time, nearly every day
at various places in this city. Therefore I
am in position to appreciate fully the incal-
culable amount of knowledge imparted by your
System. If you think that these paragraphs
can be of help in the spreading of Truth, you
may use them freely.
Yours very sincerely,
9 Bluff View,
Chattanooga, Tenn.,
Dec. 12, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
Receipt of your most excellent little booklet,
''The Master-Key," is hereby acknowledged
with pleasure.
It is truth expressed with such surpassing
clearness and force as that intuitive recogni-
tion and acceptance result without conscious
mental process. Its statements drop into niches
of the mind that were created for them from
the beginning.
Its perusal stimulates all the faculties;
quickening the conscience, sharpening the per-
ceptive powers, and — that which it renders
unique, and greatly enhances its practical
value — bringing the irresistable force of truth
to bear upon the will.
One can no more avoid benefit from the read-
ing of it than he can unknow his own existence.
Its truths nestle securely in the profoundest
depths of his subconsciousness and contribute
to his masterhood of all things.
Accept my thanks,
916 West Main St., North,
Gainesville, Fla.,
Dec. 16, 1918.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
Part seventeen of your Master-Key System
has just been received by me and I think that
the grandeur of the system is unsurpassed by
anything of a similar kind I have ever read.
I have been a student of kindred subjects
for several years.
Especially do I commend you upon the
simple and concise manner in -which the les-
sons are written.
As a rule, most authors say so much on a
subject that it wearies one trying to find the
thought expressed; but you go immediately
to the heart of things.
I shall always consider that my life has
been made better by having read your les-
If in any way this testimonial may be of
service to you, kindly consider yourself at
perfect liberty to use it.
Wishing you abundance of success, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Chelsa, Mass., Dec. 2, 1918.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
Saint Louis, Mo.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
I am a Marine Engineer, and I am a Bachelor
of Science, and I highly recommend your
Master-Key to individuals who have not had
the opportunity to gain and acquire the knov^l-
edge of world known facts.
Your Master-Key is a w^onderful thing, and
I could not conceive of such a piece of litera-
ture being on sale for such a small amount
of money. It is worth far raore than you ask
for it.
Some people need the aid of oculists and
glasses to be able to see things, but your
Master-Key is enough to improve the eyes of
even the blind. It relieves that heavy cloud
which hangs over the ordinary man, it ban-
ishes all fear and will give a man a wonder-
ful start in life, it will broaden his ideas, and
will once more allow him to shake the fear
which binds both his mind and limbs.
Harrisburg, Penn.,
1217 N. 2iid St.,
February 2, 1919.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
Saint Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel:
I have now completed Part 24 of the Master-
Key, and it is with extreme pleasure that I
write these few lines to express my appre-
ciation of the lessons and the benefits received
Were you to ask me to state in figures how I
have been benefited by these lessons, I would
reply that the knowledge I have gained is
beyond computation in dollars and cents. Your
system has taught me that thought in har-
mony with the Universal Mind is invincible
and shown me how to get in touch with om-
nipotence ; therefore, I have learned to set in-
visible forces to work for me. Not only have
I learned how to let them help me, but I have
proved to my etnire satisfaction that your sys-
tem is scientifically and religiously correct. I
know that I can make my future what I desire
it to be ; and how to do this certainly is price-
less knowledge to me.
Each lesson of the entire course has certainly
been to me a most wonderful revelation "Of a
kingdom unknown and unseen; where the days
run over with sunshine, and the hours seem
but a dream.'*
Wishing you every success in your great
work, I remain,
Yours gratefully,
Quincy, IlL
Jan. 31, 1919.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
Saint Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel:
Your Master-Key System places Metaphysics
on a practical basis enabling the careful student
to secure the fullest development of his powers
of concentration which means achievement and
I heartily recommend your Master-Key Sys-
tem to any and every one who would better
their condition from any and every angle.
Yours sincerely,
M. D., D. C, P. C„
Formerly lecturer in the St Louis College of
Physicians and Surgeons.
New Bedford, Mass.,
50 Princeton Ave.,
Feb. 18, 1919.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
Saint Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel:
Submitted herewith are answers to Part 17,
in which are some of the most wonderful dis-
closures that humanity ever heard. It is really
a calamity that this knowledge is not more
widely understood.
Eoanoke, Va.,
921 Tazewell Ave.,
Jan. 27, 1919.
My dear Mr. Haanel:
I have just completed reading and answer-
ing the questions to Lesson No. 24 of the
Master-Key, thereby bringing to a close what
I consider the most profitable six months in
my life.
Did I enjoy the lessons? I most assuredly
did, especially when I looked back from week
to week and noted my footsteps out of the
wilderness of ignorance. I also enjoyed the
sensations when the great truths began to
break upon my mind, and when I realized how
fast I was gaining knowledge, and wisdom to
apply it. Of course, I have not yet reached
the goal I have set out for. I did not expect
to undo in six months the damage I had
wrought during forty years in the wilderness.
You shall hear from me later.
The Master-Key furnished me also with the
Big Stick with which to give the death blow to
that arch enemy Fear. One instance : For
several years I had been desirous of a better
home than the one in which I lived but when
I would consider the debt which would be
placed upon my shoulders I would crumple
up and the new home would fade away. But
a month ago I went into a real estate oflSce
and signed up for a $4,200.00 home with no
more fear than if I were buying a bag of pea-
May your Master-Key be perpetuated until
man has come into his own.
Yours truly,
Knights of Columbus,
Overseas Service,
Somewhere in France,
Jan. 4, 1919.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
Saint Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel:
The ''Master-Key" lessons reached me in
good order a few days ago.
There are no words in the English language
that would properly express my sincere ap-
preciation for what you have done for me, Mr.
Am acquiring a wonderful knowledge from
the study of these lessons.
Am still in the hospital w^ith my fractured
right arm and utilize every spare moment in
reading and studying this excellent course of
Have read books now and then on psychology
but your lessons far exceed everything I have
ever seen on this subject.
May your good work spread over the entire
Wishing you great success in this undertak-
ing, I remain,
Yours truly,
American Red Cross Hospital No. 103,
American Expeditionary Forces, France.
Houston, Texas,
Jan. 21, 1919.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
Saint Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Faanel:
I have enjoyed every hour and every moment
with the Master-Key studies, and will review
them again and again until I have mastered
Before taking up the study, I realized there
was a vacancy, a void in my life, and I knew
there was something higher and better for
me; so I would read everything that I could
find, and while others would speak of these
wonderful things, they would not explain or
show me how to attain them. So my boat was
drifting until it had reached the breakers near
the shore, and I was in great danger of being
dashed on the rocks or landed on a sand-bar
and rapidly go to pieces.
After studying Lesson 1, I felt that I had
at last found a guide and compass that would
steer my boat away from the rocks; and les-
son by lesson it has taken me out into the deep
waters, where all is calm and serene, for **In
the depths of the ocean is no unrest; only in
the shallow places is turmoil and murmuring.
It is only in the silence that we can think
*'Big Thoughts," and only in the deep water
can you find ''Big Fish."
So I want to thank you for the guiding
hand, the beautiful thoughts, and to tell you
T feel that it is money well spent, and time
well applied; also to wish you success in giv-
ing til© Truth" to the world.
Sincerely yours.
San Marcial, N. Mei.,
Jan. 27, 1919.
My dear Mr. Haanel:
I have received to date nineteen parts or les-
sons of your Master-Key System" and have
diligently studied them. I will not presume to
state that I have learned them, for every time
I re-read them I find something new. The les-
sons are wonderfully helpful and by applying
these principles I find that life is taking on
new meaning.
The ''Master-Key" is rightly named. It
clarifies whatever knowledge of the unseen
forces that one may previously have had. Be-
fore I had heard of the "Master-Key," I had
read and had tried to apply the knowledge said
to be contained in several psychological works,
but found they lacked something. They would
lead up to some point or other and there stop.
They didn't seem to get anywhere. Neither
did I. But I ardently desired to know; and
now comes along the wonderful "Master-Key
System" and satisfies that desire by explain-
ing all that those works tried to explain, and
much that their authors "never dreamt of in
all their philosophy." It unlocks and lays
bare the meaning of the apparently vague and
mysterious in the Bible, investing the truths
therein with a new and intense interest and
deeper meaning. Would that our Brothers of
the Clergy would get the ' * Master-Key, ' ' study
it, and apply its truths to their teaching of the
Scriptures; there would certainly be a clear-
ing of the theological atmosphere.
Yours truly,
Akron, Ohio.
1004 Moeller, Ave.
Jhan. 15, 1919.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
St. Louis, Mo.
Just what the Master-Key lessons are
beginning to do for me I cannot express.
They have already revolutionized my thought
processes — it seems my whole life.
I am very young — below the age usually
given to study of such things as your Sys-
tem. But do not think a young man of twenty
cannot appreciate your course. Already I
have found it the most valuable, most potent
thing that ever came into my life. I am sure
there has never been anything like it before.
The truths I have gotten from these first few
parts are, I believe, more than comes into
the life of the average man. This world would
be a great place if everyone had read and
studied your Revelations.
I have returned to a position that before be-
ginning your course I had given up as beyond
me. I quit cold because I was afraid I could
never master it. Now it is easy and I am pre-
paring to do harder things.
The Master-Key has unlocked the door and
I am fast finding the Gems of Truth.
Gratefully yours,
Quincy, CaL, July 18, 1917.
Mr. Chas. F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel:
Enclosed you will find payment in full for
The Master-Key System. Part Five came last
evening, and I must say that I already feel
that I have my money's worth, and much more
to follow.
I have read and studied a great deal along
these lines in the last few years — but never
seemed to get anywhere. It seemed to me a
sort of "ring around the rosie" proposition;
but thanks to your clear cut exposition of
these Eternal Truths, I can see and feel that
at last I am on a straight road that leads to
success and the realization of my heart's de-
I wish that everyone who stands where I
stood for so long, could have this Key handed
to them. It is certainly opening the door for
me. Part Five is wonderful. You may print
anything of mine. I shall feel doubly grate-
ful should this help anyone who is searching
for ''a way out" of that mystic maze into
which undirected reading oftimes leaves one,
or for anyone who is hungry for that mental
food that is so satisfying.
Most respectfully,
Edwin J. Nixson
Manufacturing Optometrist
Los Angeles, CaL, July 5, 1917.
Mr. Chas. F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel:
I have just received and read the last part
of the Master-Key System, and away down
deep there is a feeling as if a dear friend were
leaving. I have chummed with and looked
forward to the lessons so interestedly and
eagerly that I am going to miss them very
much. But I will still have the pleasure of
reading them over again and again, as I al-
ready have done with each one. From each
successive reading I gain more information,
more unfoldment, more help and more com-
Through these lessons I have found that
I can accomplish whatever I set my mind upon,
for I have already proven it, in my health, in
my disposition, in my business — in all my life.
No money consideration could in any way
pay for the physical, mental and spiritual up-
lift provided by The Master-Key System, and
to every person in the world who has a desire
for betterment in every field I can heartily
and conscientiously recommend the course.
Thanking you for the great service you have
given me, and with kindest regards and best
wishes for the success which you so richly
deserve, I am,
Yours truly,
Grand Rapids, Mich.,
417 Livingston Ave.,
Feb. 15, 1919.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
Saint Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel:
I have just finished the 20th lesson of your
course and must say that words can scarcely
express my appreciation for the benefit and
inspiration I have received.
For several years I have been a student of
psychology and a deep thinker, but the time
I have devoted to the study of the Master-
Key" has been the most eventful period in my
In a v^orld of superstition and strife, your
great message shines as a Beacon Light o'er
a tempestuous sea. A study of that great
work, brightens the intellect and broadens the
mind. A world of greater achievement seems
to beckon to me. The great laws and truths
that have lain dormant to the masses down
through the centuries of time are there re-
vealed. Truly it is a wonderful work.
If a copy of that great message could be
placed in every home in the land it would
go a long way to aid education and civiliza-
tion. It would hasten the day when the per-
fect race shall inhabit the earth.
''We shall know the truth and the truth
shall make us free."
Very truly yours,
Buffalo, N. Y., August 19, 1917.
Chas. F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
Dear Sir:
I considered myself quite an advanced stu-
dent in psychology when I first took up your
wonderful Master-Key System. I had read a
great deal of the most important literature,
and possess many of the best books on the
subject, besides proving in many ways my un-
derstanding of the laws, yet I felt that the dis-
cipline of a reliable system would prove very
My realization has far exceeded my expecta-
tion; words cannot convey my intense appre-
ciation— my wonderfully enlarged under-
I think your Master-Key System covers the
ground completely, and in a most convincing
and practical manner — nothing seems to be
left out, and everything is so clearly explained.
I think it would be as hard for a sincere stu-
dent to go back to their old way of thinking,
as for an oak tree to return to its acorn.
It has changed my whole outlook, and given
me a new courage and a zest for my life plans,
that is glorious.
Wishing you and your system the greatest
Yours most sincerely,
Toponas, Colo.,
Feb. 15, 1919.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
Saint Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel:
I have refrained hitherto from making any
comments upon the ''System" preferring to
wait until I was in possession of it in its en-
tirety in order that I might intelligently form
an opinion unbiased by transitory enthusiasm.
I am familiar with most, if not all, modern
exponents of the ''New Psychology" and have
given much time and attention to Theosophy,
Yogi philosophy and Metaphysics in general
— having delved into every "ology" that prom-
ised even remotely to throw a light upon the
subject in which every thinking individual is
I was conversant with each and every fact
contained therein — as a fact, but (I want to
emphasize the word) the possession of tools
does not constitute a machinist and are pro-
ductive of no results without the skill to use
them. And that I found to be the value of
your system — it instructs how to obtain con-
crete results from the knowledge it imparts,
and taken altogether it constitutes the most
lucid, concise and at the same time complete
exposition of the subject it has been my good
fortune to come across.
Thanking you very sincerely for the benefit
I have received from your course, I am,
Truly yours,
26 E. 26th St.,
New York City, N. Y.,
May 20, 1918.
Mr. Chas. F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
Dear Mr. Haanel :
I have duly received your first two lessons
and I am glad, indeed, to have them. I know
that your philosophy is big enough to see the
good in everything and has neither creed nor
This is because it deals with the energy
which creates things, rather than with things,
or the manipulation of things after they are
created. And because of that fact, it is abso-
lutely limitless.
My consciousness is absolutely free of every
economical thought, because I know that the
practice of economy is man's greatest extrava-
You may use any one of my letters as a tes-
timonial letter and give full name and address.
If there would be any possibility to make
personal acquaintance with any one of your
pupils in New York City, I shall be delighted.
I remain, with all good wishes and cordial
Very sincerely yours,
Chicago, 111.
Dear Mr. Haanel:
It was with regret that I reached the last
lesson ; not because it was the end, for that is
merely the beginning of the end— or a begin-
ning with no end.
I have learned that when thought contains
feeling, guided by truth and steadied with the
will, that all things are possible. Faith is sub-
stance, the substance out of which all things
are created, the unseen out of which the seen
is brought. ^ •
Before taking the Master-Key Course ot in-
structions I had a very good knowledge af
truth, but knew nothing of its operation ; and,
while I was very successful, I knew nothing of
the forc( I was using. In other words: I was
guessing the truth, without being positive of it.
I was not ignorant of what I was doing, but
I longed for a knowledge of just how it was
done ; but, after taking the Master-Key Course,
I have obtained a knowledge of the operation
of the power of truth, therefore making me
positive of results before any proof or even
any evidence has been seen.
I have a store-house of wonderful knowl-
edge and am letting this knowledge prove that
it is true by its works. And I have only start-
ed, the day is just breaking; it is not sun up
Mere words are inadequate and space will
not permit me to tell of the immeasurable good
that the Master-Key Course holds for him who
will study it with interest and apply it with
2622 W. Adams St.
Sawtelle, Calif., Oct. 9, 1917.
Chas. F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
Dear Mr. Haanel :
In all that I have ever read from the pen of
many writers or that I have ever heard through
lecturer or teacher, the Master-Key is the most
profound, clean and clear, that it has ever been
my good fortune to secure.
No sentence or combination of words in the
English or any other language has ever given
me as much pleasure, value, and a practical
understanding as your explanation of the "I"
in us, and especially the ''I" in me (the writer)
and in that short sentence part No 8, the eight
monosylable words, 'I' can be what '1' will
to be" conveyed more to my understanding
than I can express in words — and filled mo with
a gratitude that I have never experienced be-
This study has been most extraordinarily
beneficial, pleasant and edifying, and I thank
you very much for your overtures to me to
take this course and please pardon me for the
timidity and skepticism before doing so, but it
is much more than you have at any time rep-
resented it to be.
Thanking you again, I am.
Most truly yours,
Quebec, Canada,
October 30, 1918.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
St. Lous, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel: —
I find it very difficult to say all I wish to say
in so small a space. The Master Key opens up
an entirely new world, a world full of the
greatest possibilities and achievements.
It explains in detail some points which are
often vaguely treated in other works. It is
helping me to adjust myself. I have had the
feeling that I was not properly in tune with
the great powers around me.
The secret of the "Within" is worth millions.
I have more confidence in myself than ever be-
fore, and am cheerful and optimistic each day,
whereas before taking up this study, I was
always in doubt about the future.
"With each re-reading of these studies comes
more understanding; with added understand-
ing comes harmony, and with harmony comes
peace. What more can we strive for?
The lessons in money consciousness are a
revelation. A question which so few under-
stand is here made perfectly plain. It has com-
pletely upset the old tradition that to be
' ' good ' ' one must be ' ' poor. ' ' I am very grate-
ful for this Imowledge and feel a certainty of
success in the future.
As I have not had an ordinary high-school
education you may imagine how these lessons
have helped me to understand the real things
of life. By using these methods I will be able
to overcome the ei-rors of wrong thinking, and
to construct an efficient and useful future.
Wishir^g you success in spreading this won-
derful message throughout the world, I am,
Yoiu's truly,
Aledo, 111.,
March 6, 1919.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
Saint Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel:
Physically and mentally these lessons have
been of inestimable value to me. For I have
in a very large measure learned to control the
fear and sick thoughts that were a constant
source of hindrance to me.
In a material way, I have greatly increased
my efficiency in my business, obtaining greater
results than I ever dreamed possible and bring-
ing in increased financial returns.
So much for the present benefits.
Now I wish to tell you the benefits which are
difficult of explanation. First, the enlarged
viewpoint, and the Altruistic ideas so carefully
worked out in detail. I can better express
this by comparing my former views to the nar-
row horizon line that encompasses a small
town and contrasting this with the vast pano-
rama which opens up to one's view from the
top of a high mountain.
For myself, there have been opened up ave-
nues into territory which I have viewed from
afar off, longing to explore but fearing to at-
Summing it all up, I feel differently towards
others, towards myself, towards things, cir-
cumstances, and above all a nearness to GOD.
I have talked your lessons to many ; if I can
be of any other service to you please M me
Yours gratefully,
Twin Falls, Idaho,
Jan. 26, 1919.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
Saint Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel: .
Your very wonderful lessons up to and in-
cluding part ten are in my hands.
I have been a student of psychology, Meta-
physics, philosophies, religions, for a number
of years. But nowhere have I found so com-
plete, splendid, clear and convincing a state-
ment and explanation of truth and of life as
in these lessons of yours. And nowhere else
have I found the dynamic simplicity of state-
ment that almost forces one into the actual
practical demonstration and proof of truth.
My own proofs" have been piling up so
very rapidly and almost overwhelmingly of
late, that there has not been time even to write
out the answers to the questions.
I wish there might be schools everywhere to
teach this magnificent science of thought.
Yours sincerely,
U. S. S. S. Flusser,
March 5, 1919.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
Saint Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Hannel :
The Master-Key contains in condensed form
the exact knowledge that I have been seeking
for some time. . .
The elimination of the non essentials is m
itself a wonderful accomplishment in efficiency.
The Master-Key is indeed a supfer-post grad-
uate course.
Very truly yours.
— 104r-
Orange, N. J., August 14, 1917.
Mr. Chas. F. Haanel,
St, Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel:
The new hope, life and inspiration brought
into my life by your Master-Key lessons have
made these months very happy ones.
I have delayed acknowledging receipt of
this last lesson because it is so vital and full
of wisdom that it seemed to call for much
study before writing.
I am realizing through these lessons the
dreadful mistakes I have been making, and am
gaining courage to take up the battle of life
on a winning basis.
My heart goes out to you in thankfulness,
not only for the lessons, but for the personal,
individual supervision. Your letters are most
Many years of study, reading, lectures, etc.,
may have prepared my mind for the reception
of your teachings, which are so clear, simple,
scientific and convincing that I am able to
grasp the wonderful message they bring.
In spite of the distressing conditions of
which I spoke to you at first I am gaining in
self control and harmonious conditions ar-
now apparent.
I shall re-study and apply your teaching
until I and Truth are one.
I cannot fittingly express my gratitude to
you dear Mr. Haanel and shall have good
things to tell you in the future.
If any word of mine will prove helpful to
any other student pray use it.
Most sincerelv vours,
Minneapolis, Minn., April 4, 1917.
Mr. Chas. F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
Dear Sir:
Your System is surely the "Master-Key"
that unlocks the Inner World of Wisdom and
Power. Your instructions are wonderfully
comprehensive, yet practical. I have never
seen anything so clear and concise. You have
the happy faculty of making your statements
of truth, of clothing your most scientific pres-
entation in beautiful, simple language.
I found every lesson interesting and instruct-
ive, but your lesson Three was especially so.
Being interested in Anatomy and especially in
Cerebral Anatomy, that lesson was particular-
ly interesting to me. The very first paragraph
gripped my attention. Your description of the
connection between the Cerebro-Spinal and
Sympathetic Systems, and the interaction of
the conscious and subconscious mind was
very clear and instructive.
Mental Culture surely enhances the value of
life, and your instructions teach one how to
combat mental difficulties, and live a harmoni-
ous life.
Yours very truly,
Stratford Hotel,
Canton, 0.,
March 12, 1919.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel : —
I can see now that I have been the
victim of many conflicting theories and
views in life which prevented me from
gaining a firm purpose and an unswerv-
ing ideal. But the main points now be-
ing adjusted, everything else seems to
fall in line.
Last year I took a step which prac-
tically meant starting life all over
again. The course has confirmed to
my mind the wisdom of this step,
though I have laid myself open to the
censure of the unthinking crowd. I
know I am on the right way and am
able to face the future with vigorous
hope and dauntless courage. I am
recommending the course to my friends
and, strange to say, several of them
notice my changed attitude toward life
and the resulting success along all lines
and ascribe this to niy study of the
I fully endorse what others claim for
the Master-Key, when they say that it
is the greatest discovery of the Twen-
tieth Century.
With many thanks and best wishes
for ever-increasing success.
Very sincerely yours,
P. S.— If this letter can be of any
use for you, employ in any way you
see fit.
December 10, 1917.
Worcester, Mass.,
Mr. Clias. F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel: —
I am getting results from putting into
practice the advice found in the "Les-
sons of the Master-Key System." I
have graduated from an environment
that was literally speaking Hades, and
the only gleam of light I got was in
the ''Lessons of your Master-Key Sys-
I began to work as your lessons
taught me, and fcr all the trials I went
through while putting these truths into
practice, I am grateful because I learn-
ed my lesson, through the knowledge
given me how to work aright.
I am now in much better circum-
stances both as to finances and other
things than I have been for years.
Things that seemed to cause discord
have gone and I am reaping the results
of harmony by thinking harmonious
The mistake that I made a year ago is
being righted and my feet are fixed on
solid ground, instead of shifting sand.
Would it be convenient for you
to have my address changed to 36
Pleasant St., Worcester, Massachusetts?
You will find a money order enclosed
which please place to my credit on ac-
ctnint. Yours very sincerely,
400 S. Church 8t.
Van Buren, Ark.,
December 20, 1918.
Mr. Chas. F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mc.
My dear Mr. Haanel: —
I cannot tell you how much I am en-
joying the Master-Key, and slow, but
sure, I am growing in the knowledge
of ''all that is real."
One comes sooner, or later in life, to
the place where he must have some-
thing tangible, to satisfy an inquiring
mind ; these lessons are doing this very
thing, and I hope to grow with them to
a complete understanding of spiritual
law. Yours sincerely,
Hotel Palo Alto,
Palo Alto, Cal.,
February 18, 1918.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo
Dear Mr. Haanel :
Your course makes the most wonder-
ful reading of anything I have ever
seen in print.
Very truly yours,
—109 —
557 C&ss Avenue
Detroit, Michigan,
557 Cass Ave.
Marcli 12, 1919.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanol: —
1 have th(^ twenty-fourth It'isnon. The
service has been perfect.
The fact that I am still in business
is owing to the application of your
teaching ; although the application is
very far from being all that it should
be, or all that it will be in the future.
There is nothing in the world that I
am aware of that would induce me to
part with the knowledge so far obtained
and put into practice.
Please advise prospective students that
my lat€h string is always out.
Anyone is perfectly welcome to view
the material results of the application
of The Master Key in my case.
Very truly yours,
921 Connor Ave.
Joplin, Mo.,
February 4, 1918.
Mr. Chas. F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel i —
I wish to thank you for your kind
answer to my letter. Truly a very won-
derful answer.
I want you to know that I am becom-
ing very much interested in these les-
sons and I watch for them eagerly each
week. There has been a change in my
affairs that seems almost miraculous.
Yes, I am very much interested and
feel that a gold mine has opened at
my very feet. I can feel myself grow-
ing brighter intellectually, and visions
as wonderful as Alladin's lamp keep
me company.
I certainly feel rrateful to you for
this wonderful method you have of let-
ting your light shine.
Very sincerely,
Chattanooga, Teun.,
February 22, 1918.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Sir:
The Master-Key is wonderful, it has
brought about a most remarkable
change in my environment, attitude to-
ward life, mental and physical condi-
tion. I am an entirely new person and
improving daily, discouragement, lack
of ambition, physical ills, mental dis-
tress, and fear are things of the past.
My improvement has been constant
without setbacks.
When unsatisfactory symptoms ap-
pear I re-read one or two Master-Key
lessons and the negative symptoms
are quickly eliminated.
This plan is so effective in my case
that I wish the Master-Key could be
had in a pocket volume so I could have
it constantly at hand.
I cannot find words that express my
gratitude for all that the Master-Key
has done for me.
With heartfelt thanks to you, I am,
Yours sincerely,
Clinton A. Leech
Real Estate, Loans and Exchanges
647 South Flower Street
Los Angeles, Cal.,
September 16, 1917.
Mr. Chas. F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo
My dear Mr. Haanel: —
I have now had three of the Master-
Key lessons, and I consider them worth
the price of the entire course.
They are simple, sane, sound, sensi-
ble, scientific, psychological and philos-
They are easily understood, and yet
they have a depth that seems almost
They are so wonderful it seems to
me every man, woman and child in
the world ought to be studying the
' Master-Key System.
I have just closed another deal for
$14,700.00. In fact, I have had more
success in the three weeks since I be-
gan studying the Master-Key lessons
than I have in the five years preceding.
Yours for better things,
110 West 45tli St.,
New York City,
March 2, 1919.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel : —
The first three parts of your Master-
Key System have given me a mental
grasp of the real working system of
the Universe and its immutable laws
that partake of a revelation.
I have read a great deal of literature
on the subject in the past several years,
but never gained more than the vaguest
kind of understanding of the true so-
Your first three booklets and lessons,
however, have completely banished all
of the old clouds of doubt, unbelief and
misunderstanding, and I already see
the Truth in a most vivid light.
Even in the short time this has taken
I have begun to see practical results,
both in personal health, character and
environment. Having a strong will and
a reasoning brain of considerable devel-
opment to start with, I now feel that
with continued study and faithful prac-
tice I shall ultimately become some-
thing of an adept.
With my highest appreciation and
grateful regards, I am,
Yours very sincerely,
New York, N. Y.,
March iOth, 1919.
Mr. Cheuies F. Ilaanel,
St. Lonis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel : —
Have just finished the last two parts
of the Master-Key System and can
truly say that your Master-Key System
has reconstructed my whole life — it
cleared my thoughts. I am able to con-
centrate on my work much better now,
than I did before.
I am only sorry that I did not sub-
scribe to your course eighteen (18)
months ago, when I first inquired about
To those who are in doubt about tak-
ing your course, I wish to say the fol-
lowing : Please for your own sake, and
for the sake of those that you come
in contact with, do not delay, subscribe
to the Master-Key System at once. It
will purify your thoughts and will re-
construct your whole life, as it prac-
tically deals with nothing more or less
than Truth, the basis of life.
Wishing you the greatest success, I
Your obedient student,
187 Henry street,
P. S. You can make use of this
letter in any way you please.
J. K,
St. Louis, Mo.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel: —
It is with gratitude I write this let-
ter, to express my deep appreciation
for the ''Master-Key System" you have
so masterfully launched before the
heterogeneous thoughts prevailing in
the minds of the people, which had
scattered their forces, unfocused, cha-
otically in the jungle to pick one ana
another to satisfy the momentary
wants and leave the remote results to
toss as they may, heedless of conse-
You have, indeed, collated and con-
structed with a master's art an edifice
in which thought gems of all prevail-
ing doctrines, ancient and modern,
saints and sages, to a unified whole, un-
der whose guidance the scattered mass
of humanity find a path on which they
can travel fearlessly as to needs, trials
and tribulations.
Students who follow the masterly
system will find it stimulates and in-
spires for greater and nobler achieve-
ments and leaves our heritage to bet-
ter progeny.
Yours very truly,
Woodbury, Conn.
Mr. Chas. F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel: —
I sent for your ''Master-Key Sys-
tem'' January 12tli. The first lesson
came January 21st.
What a marvelous placing of words !
So much meaning! So expansive!
After several careful readings, I
came to the lesson again, reverently.
As I read along so many new beauties
came forth that it seemed as if I had
never read it before — and yet, new
meanings continue to come at each suc-
cessive reading.
A sort of companion letter to the
course came January 23rd which,
• among much of interest, gave an analy-
sis or definition of success that is un-
mistakably clear.
Yours sincerely,
383 E. 7th St.,
Brooklyn, N. Y.,
January 21, 1918.
Mr. Chas. F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel: —
Am enclosing the answers to Lesson
No. 24, and I almost wish there were
more to follow, so much have I enjoyed
them. I cannot tell you how much
they have helped me, for each day
brings a manifestation of the good ac-
complished from practical application
of their teachings.
I shall go over them often during
the coming months. They are the
greatest help and inspiration I have
ever received in mental training and I
have read and studied some during the
past seventeen years in my search for
Truth. All the lessons and books I
have read have been a help but it took
''The Master-Key System" to open the
door wide enough for me to realize the
full light of understanding.
Spiritually, physically and financial-
ly, the change is manifesting, and, to
quote ''Pollyanna," I am glad, glad,
GLAD that I have had them as my
daily companion during the past six
Trusting they may give to others the
courage, peace and joy they have to
me, and wishing you couliniied success
in your good work, I am,
Yours verv sincrdy,
National Underwriters Company
J. H. DAVIS. President.
Cleveland, Ohio.
June 18, 1917.
Mr. Chas. F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel: —
Answering your inquiry Lesson No.
3, permit me to say that I consider this
lesson the most complete exposition of
the true relations of God and man that
it has ever been my pleasure to get.
This document in my opinion is the
greatest single document beneficial to
mankind ever written in the history
of the w^orld.
It is a pity that the information con-
tained therein is not readily available
to all mankind, as the understanding
and the practice of the principles elu-
cidated would end all strife, crime and
I have received a tremendous amount
of benefit from this lesson and for the
first time have come into a true under-
standing of my relationship with the
silent powers that dominate and de-
termine one's success.
I am putting into practice the knowl-
edge gained from reading the lesson
and believe confidently that a thor-
ough application of these principles
constantly and persistently applied
will bring about the results desired.
With kindest regards and best
wishes, Very truly yours,
Detroit, Mich.,
December 2, 1917.
My dear Mr. Haanel: —
I wish I could tell you how much the
Master-Key is doing for me ; life has
changed so wonderfully for my hus-
band and myself that it is impossible
to express it in words.
Looking back upon our lives, we can
see that Vv'hatever desire we held steadi-
ly in mind through the years has been
fulfilled in exactly the degree we dared
wish, and it is not hard for us to be-
lieve that with the knowledge and
power we are gaining as a result of
this wonderful course, those things we
have long held in our consciousness,
but deemed impossible of attainment
will soon be realized.
For myself, I find desires and abil-
ities, that I had buried with bitter
tears, springing up through the grass
of their graves. I have always felt
instinctively that there was a way to
bring my desires into being and I have
never outgro^vn the feeling that some-
thing wonderful would one day come
into my life and change conditions and
set me free to pursue my natural in-
Sincerely yours,
Box 553, Ardor, Pa.,
January 10, 1918.
My dear Mr. Haanel: —
Words are empty things unless the
spirit is alive back of them and I wish
mine to be few. I wish to show my ap-
preciation in works.
These lessons have been the most
satisfying that I have ever tried to
learn. "Why? Because my intellect
grasped it hungrily and my heart also
was fed. Although the thought is deep,
profound and metaphysical, it is ex-
pressed in such a lucid and masterful
way that it was easy, fascinating, in-
spiring to learn.
Hitherto when I thought I had found
the lessons of worth, if my intellect
was fed my heart would say, *'Yes,
that is all right as intellectual food
but of what use ; there is no salvation
in it?" Then when I found the lesson
which my heart wanted to accept, my
intellect would say, "You are trying
to believe that stuff because it soothes ;
but you know it is unreasonable and
Your lessons have not caused this
unsatisfactory result. They appeal con-
vincingly, unmistakably to every center
of my being and they are truth to me.
I am reminded of how Alexander
carried about with him in a valuable
box Homer's poems and in like spirit,
I shall treasure your lessons. And be-
lieve me,
Most sincerely yours,
936 N. 66th St.,
January 22, 191S.
Overbrook, Pa.,
My dear Mr. Haanel: —
I find the Master-Key System a most
wonderful revelation, for it has opened
my eyes to many things of which I had
formerly but a hazy conception.
I am every day more certain of my
power to succeed, and I feel it all comes
from the knowledge imparted by the
wonderful Master-Key System.
I have just received lesson fifteen,
and the little Sanscrit verse. Both
came just at a time when I needed them
most. Allah bless and forward the
Master-Key System to the ends of the
Just how much the lessons have help-
ed me you will never realize. Through
them I have lost fear and anxiety. So
strongly do I know that I can and will
draw my supply from the universal that
I am quietly going on as though my
unseen millions were in my hands.
I have learned not to recognize lack,
limitation, or any other destructive
thought. I am a new young woman.
If you desire any part of this letter
to help other students you may use it,
indeed I hope that you will.
Thanking you for the Master-Key
' System and your little enclosures from
time to time which are so dear to my
oriental heart— (I am an Egyptian), I
remain, Sincerely,
Callaway, Nebr..
February 11, 1918.
Mr. Chas. F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel : —
I am sending you the replies to ques-
tions in the fifteenth lesson and so far,
have not had to ask a question, but
have had to do some hard studying
which was good for me.
I am glad I took up the Master-Key
System for it has taught me the reason
of success and failure, and why I made
so many failures. It is a wonderful
revelation to me, and has opened my
eyes to things I had never thought of,
although I am always studying.
I begin to think that the Master-Key
System is going to help me solve prob-
lems that I have been studying for
The Master-Key System is invaluable
in these war times, especially to the
farmer, when the nation is demanding
all the foodstuff he can raise, he will
need all the brain and muscle possible
and all the efHciency he can command,
or the nation will not be able to stand
when the trial comes.
Use this letter if you want to, as it
might help someone to turn failure in-
to success, and then it will bless he
who gives as well as he who receives.
Wishing the Master-Key System all
the success it deserves, I remain.
Yours truly,
Vancouver, B. C,
My dear Mr. Haanel : —
The course of lessons are simply im-
mense. It makes my heart ache to
think that I have come to the last one
— that they will come no more. Each
lesson is a new revelation in Metaphys-
ics. I have been over the same ground
before but never with such brilliant
company. You have pointed out so
many new, bright, sparkling things
along the pathway revealing so many
undiscovered truths — that all things
even in the up-to-date science of Meta-
physics have passed away and the
whole prospect has become new and
more interesting and beautiful than
I have been lifted in thought into the
heights of marvelous clear seeing, and
set firm and steady upon my thinking
legs, and my face has been turned with
confidence and resoluteness toward the
mighty upward shining truth as never
You interweave the wonderful facts
of physical science with the great un-
seen subconscious absolute truths of
the within with such illumination and
masterfulness that floods of light are
emitted and flashed over the student's
mind and consciousness, and he is in a
perfect wonderland of entertainment,
instruction and allurement so that he
cannot help but see and understand the
great light that comes to him.
Thanking you always, I remain,
Sincerely yours,
B. W. I.
Brighton, Trinidad,
May 7th, 1919.
Per SS. ''Mayarow"
Sailing May 8th.
Mr. Chas. F. Haanel,
419 Granite Bldg.,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel : —
Up to the time of my writing I have received
corrected replies of my lessons from 1 to 5.
They are priceless in my estimation. I find
them to be the key to a real understanding of
the lessons.
This service makes the course eminently of
value, and is where the chasm is spanned which
gives the correspondence training such a great
advantage over mere book reading.
I am enclosing Reply No. 8, and I trust it will
meet with your satisfaction.
Meanwhile I remain.
Very truly yours,
510 N. E Street,
Arkansas City, Kaus.
June 6, 1919.
Mr. Chas. ¥, Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr Haanel : —
I have not received the answers to part 1,
with corrections.
I cannot afford to miss a single line, nor even
a word of this course of instruction ; neither do
I believe that you desire that I should.
From what I have already demonstrated, this
course of instructions means more to me than
all of my past life.
I am devouring each thought as the hot sands
devour rain drops; to me it is ''meat in due
Persons who have sufficiently digested, and
assimilated the Master Key System will find
a unity of thought unattainable by any other
method or system of which I have any knowl-
If I could not obtain them again, I would not
take $30.00 for the 3 parts which I have re-
ceived. '
The possibilities and achievements which have
already opened up to my conception are so won-
derful that they almost stagger my senses.
You have not only given me the key to the
science of being, for which learned men have
sought in vain for centuries, but you have given
me the key to creation, to the prophecies, and
the means by which the science of government
will be understood and put into practice.
Very sincerely yours,
Detroit, Micli.,
June 8, 1919.
Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.
My dear Mr. Haanel : —
I have long known that a pound of steel was
valuable according to the use it was put to, and
the work it was required to do, whether it
should be made into railroad spikes, knife
blades, razor blades or watch springs, but until I
became conversant with the Master Key Sys-
tem, I did not know how to apply the law of
vibration of atoms to my spiritual activities;
my thought process.
As a result of the continued practice of your
teachings, I am convinced that I have come into
possession of a new world, a world that trans-
cends anything that I could possibly have hoped
for before I began this study, and day by day
the darkness of material thought is being pene-
trated, and I am made new by the renewing of
my mind.
I thank the Universal forces which brought
the Master Key to my door, and wish you every
Yours sincerely,
Room 101, Y. M. C. A.